MAppFx Web Apps

MAppFx Web Apps

MAppFx is a web page interactive map environment that retrieves an interactive graph of a site upon clicking a map feature object (be it a point, polygon, or a line). WERI Web MAppFx is a product of WERI through the Guam Hydrologic Survey Program (P.L. 24-247) and USGS 104-b, available through the Guam Hydrologic Survey website.

MAppFx is developed by GHS Information Management Team: Dannika K. U. Valerio, Matt W. Zapata, Leroy F. Heitz, and Nathan C. Habana. The first two MAppFx products, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Well Nitrates and Southern Guam: Ugum Watershed Streamflow Duration Curves, were done in collaboration with Brigham Young University’s Civil Engineering Department: Drs. Riley Hales, Gus Williams, and Norm Jones. 

Deep Observation Wells

Chloride and Production

Southern Guam Watersheds Streamflow Duration Curves

Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Production Well Nitrates

MAppFx: Saipan, CNMI - Production Well Chloride

MAppFx: Saipan, CNMI - Production Well Nitrates

MAppFx: Deep Observation Wells

MAppFx: Chloride and Production

MAppFx: Southern Guam Watersheds Streamflow Duration Curves

MAppFx: Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Production Well Nitrates

Deep Observation Wells

Chloride and Production

Southern Guam Watersheds Streamflow Duration Curves

Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Production Well Nitrates

MAppFx: Saipan, CNMI - Production Well Chloride

MAppFx: Saipan, CNMI - Production Well Nitrates