Library: GHS Sort and Search

Sort & Search Library

The GHS Sort and Search Library is an access to free public available literature/reports on Western Pacific water resource and environmental related topics in PDF.  To sort and search, use the arrows in the field for alpha-numeric sort, or use the search bar to find and list any existing word of interest in the table.  Select the hyperlink title to open the file in a new tab. For best results, use Google Chrome or any browser that opens and displays PDF files in a new tab.
The GHS Sort and Search Library is an access to free public available literature/reports on Western Pacific water resource and environmental related topics in PDF.  To sort and search, use the arrows in the field for alpha-numeric sort, or use the search bar to find and list any existing word of interest in the table.  Select the hyperlink title to open the file in a new tab. For best results, use Google Chrome or any browser that opens and displays PDF files in a new tab.

Click on one of the titles below to jump to the section on the page:

No.AuthorYearTitlePub IDAgency
1J.F. Mink1976Groundwater Resources of Guam: Occurrence and DevelopmentWERI TR 1WERI
2R.A. Stephenson1979Freshwater Use Customs on Guam: An Exploratory StudyWERI TR 8WERI
3BCG and J.F. Mink1992Groundwater in Northern Guam Sustainable Yield and Ground Water Development, Final Engineering ReportPUAG 1PUAG
4T.W. Hylton2012Guam Water Resources Management ReviewUSN 1USN
5S.B. Gingerich2003Hydrologic Resources of GuamWRIR 03-4126USGS
6J.F. Mink and Yuen, Inc.2004Assessment of Viability of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources for the Guam Water Authority Water Resrouces Master PlanGWA WRMP 1GWA
7BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management AlternativesNGLS 2GEPA
8BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management ProgramNGLS 1GEPA
9BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield ReportNGLS 3GEPA
10BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield Report, Appendix A Data ReportNGLS 4GEPA
11J.B. Branch, J.F. Mink, J. Worlund, BHA, CDM1982Summary Report Northern Guam Lens StudyNGLS 5GEPA
12GWA2007Water Resources Master Plan: Volume 1 - General Overview; Volume 2 - Drinking Water; Volume 3 - WastewaterWRMP 1 2 3GWA
13J.I. Tracey, S.O. Schlanger, J.T. Stark, D.B. Doan, and H.G. May1964General Geology of GuamUSGS 403AUSDOI, USGS
14US Department of the Interior Geological Survey1985Mapping of a Buried Surface beneath Limestone in Agat, Territory of Guam using Electromagnetic profiling techniquesOpen-File Report 85-124USDOI, USGS
15L.F. Heitz2012Water Treatment Assessments and Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water Determinations for GWA Wells Located in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer GWA GWUDI 2012WERI
16US Government1976Federal Register 1976: Vol. 43 - No. 81, pp. 17797-17933 (Excerpt) Federal Register 1976: Vol. 43 - No. 81, pp. 17797-17933US Government
AuthorYearTitlePub IDKey Words
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management ProgramNGLS 1Groundwater management program, Northern Guam Lens Study
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982GWMP Appendix D Laws, Regulations, and Agreements ManualNGLS 1.4Laws, Regulations, Agreements
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management AlternativesNGLS 2Groundwater management alternatives, Northern Guam Lens Study
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield ReportNGLS 3Aquifer Yield, Northern Guam Lens Study
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield Report, Appendix A Data ReportNGLS 4Aquifer Yield, Northern Guam Lens Study, Data
J.B. Branch, J.F. Mink, J. Worlund, BHA, CDM1982Summary Report Northern Guam Lens StudyNGLS 5Summary report, Northern Guam Lens Study

These technical reports are also available on the WERI website. To view them on the WERI website, click here

AuthorYearTitleAgencyPub IDSubjectRegionKey Words
183A. Maruzzo, Y.S. Kim, H. Yelin2024Trends in Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, 2015–2020, Southern Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 183PFAS, PFOS, Saipan, AFFF-impacted groundwater, groundwater transportGuamPFAS, PFOS, Saipan, AFFF-impacted groundwater, groundwater transport
182H. Ko, Y. Wen, J. Jenson2024Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Hagatna BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 182Geospatial and Temporal Analysis, Salinity, Hagatna BasinGuamGeospatial and Temporal Analysis, Salinity, Hagatna Basin
181N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, D.K. Valerio2023MAppFx: Southern Guam
Ugum Watershed Streamflow Duration Curves
WERI UOGWERI TR 181Southern Guam, Ugum Watershed, Streamflow Duration CurvesGuamWERI MAppFx, data visualization, online information transfer, Southern Guam, Ugum Watershed, flow variability, streamflow duration curve analysis, web application
180D.K. Valerio, M.W. Zapata, N.C. Habana2023MAppFx: Production Well Nitrates
Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
WERI UOGWERI TR 180Production Well Nitrates, Northern Guam Lens AquiferGuamWERI MAppFx, data visualization, online information transfer, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, nitrates, web application
178H. Ko, Y. Wen, J. Jenson2023Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends in Salinity in Yigo-Tumon BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 178
Geospatial and Temporal Analysis, Salinity Trends, Yigo-Tumon BasinGuamGeospatial analysis, Spatial analysis, Yigo-Tumon Basin, Salinity, NGLA
177H. Ko, Y. Wen, J. Jenson2022Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Finegayan BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 177SalinityGuamGeospatial analysis, Spatial analysis, Finegayan Basin, Salinity, Groundwater, Chloride concentration, NGLA
176M.J.Z. Villareal, J.W. Jenson, R.P. King, E.L. Aban2022Hydrogeological Characterization of a High-Discharge Coastal Freshwater Karst Spring SystemWERI UOGWERI TR 176HydrogeologyGuamCarbonate island karst, flank margin cave, submarine groundwater discharge, fault hydrogeology
175N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, D.K. Valerio2022Surface Hydrology of the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 175Surface Hydrology, Northern Guam Lens AquiferGuamNorthern Guam Lens Aquifer, Surface Hydrology, Plateau Basin, Watershed, Fill, Runoff, WERI Web MApps
174L. Liu, Y.S. Kim, Y. Wen, J. D. Rouse2021Effects of Seawater on Nitrification in a Biofilm Treatment Process WERI UOGWERI TR 174Nitrification, Wastewater Treatment ProcessGuamNitrification, Seawater, Salinity, Wastewater Treatment Process, Bioreactor
173B. Miklavič, J. W. Jenson, J. E. Mylroie, R. H. Randall, J. L. Banner, J. W. Partin, N. Zabukovec Logar2021Field Evidence for Relative Sea-Level Change and Denudation on Northern Guam, Mariana Islands WERI UOGWERI TR 173Karst HydrologyGuamKarst, Karst Hydrology, Flank Margin Cave, Sea-Level Change, Denudation
172P. Bourke, J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, M.A. Lander2020A Hydrogeologic Survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: Engineering and Design Recommendations for Rehabilitation WERI UOGWERI TR 172HydrogeologyGuamKarst, hydrogeologic, spring, watershed, modeling, engineering hydrology
171N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, M. Ziobro2020Development of a GIS Based Imagery Database for Groundwater Recharge Areas and Key Reaches of Streams on Guam Phase II WERI UOGWERI TR 171GISGuamLIDAR, Mapping, Recharge
170D.V.G. Superales, N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson2019Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 170Water ResourceGuamNGLA, Parabasal Zone, Modeling
169N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, M. Ziobro2019Development of a GIS Based Imagery Database for Groundwater Recharge Areas and Key Reaches of Streams on GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 169GISGuamLIDAR, Mapping, Recharge
168B. Dougher, N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, K. Ho, G.C. Aguilar2019Dynamic Response of the Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in Recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 168Water ResourceGuamlens thickness, Yigo-Tumon Basin, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, rainfall
167G.R.W. Denton, J.O. Cruz, Y.S. Kim2019Stormwater Discharges from Wetlands in American Memorial Park, Saipan: Impact on Fish Mercury Levels in Receiving WatersWERI UOGWERI TR 167Wetlands, Mercury, Saipan
164L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah, M. Lander, B. Whitman2017Enhancement of Duration Curve Predictions in South Guam Using Short Time Low Flow MeasurementsWERI UOGWERI TR 164GuamWater Resource, Guam
163K.K. Bautista, J.W. Jenson, M. Lander, T. Righetti2018Vadose Hydrology at Jinapsan Cave, Northern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 163GuamHydrology, Cave, NGLA, Guam
162G.R.W. Denton, J.O. Cruz, M.N.C. Dueñas, M.J. Gawel, J.S. Mills, K.G. Brookins2018Heavy Metal Assessment of Sediments and Selected Biota from American Memorial Park Nearshore Waters, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)WERI UOGWERI TR 162SaipanHeavy metals, sediment, CNMI Saipan
161J.D. Rouse2016Biofilm Pilot Study for Sewage Treatment with Composting of Waste Sludge on YapWERI UOGWERI TR 161WastewaterYap, FSMBiofilm, Sewage Treatment, Sludge, Yap
160M.T. Nadeau, G.R.W. Denton2016Nutrient Assessment of Togcha River, Estuary & Bay: Use of Dominant Sedimentary Phosphorus (P) Fractions to Identify Anthropogenic P Contributions & Potential ImpactsWERI UOGWERI TR 160ContaminantGuamSediment, Phosphorus, Guam, Contaminant
159J.H. Martinez, J.D. Rouse, Y. Wen, D.H. Rubinstein2015Management of Fat, Oil, and Grease on GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 159ContaminantGuamFat, Oil, Grease, Contaminant, Guam
158A. Beikmann, R. Bailey, J.W. Jenson,M. Kottermair, D. Taborosi, V. Bendixson,M. Flowers,A. Jalandoni, B. Miklavic,W. Whitman2016A Modeling Study of Freshwater Resources for Selected Atolls of Yap State, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 158Water ResourceYap, FSMRainwater, Groundwater, Modeling, Yap, FSM
157M. Kottermair, D. Taborosi, J.W. Jenson2016A Field Study of Freshwater Resources on Ifalik and Eauripik Atolls, Yap State, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 157Water ResourceYap, FSMRainwater, Groundwater, Yap, FSM
156S. Khosrowpanah, M.A. Lander, J.D. Rouse, B. Whitman2015Assessment of Turbidity in the Geus River Watershed in Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 156Water QualityGuamWatershed, Guam, Turbidity, Water Quality
155C.D. Wallace, R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson2015Atoll Island Freshwater Resources: Modeling, Analysis, and OptimizationWERI UOGWERI TR 155Water ResourceAtollWater Resource, Freshwater, Modeling,
154 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2015Prediction of Flow Duration Curves at Ungaged Sites in GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 154Water SupplyGuamStreamflow, GIS, Water Supply, Guam
153J.D. Rouse2015Development of Environmentally Sustainable Methods for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Handling of Sewage Sludge on Yap IslandWERI UOGWERI TR 153WastewaterYap, FSMWastewater, Yap, Sewage Sludge
152A.L. McCutcheon, L.J. Raymundo, J.W. Jenson, N.G. Prouty, M.A. Lander, R.H. Randall2015Testing the Strontium/Calcium Proxy for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Coral Porites Lutea in Guam, MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 152ClimatologyGuamClimatology, Corals, Strontium, Calcium, Guam
151P.M. Welch, P.J. Schupp, G.R.W. Denton2015Utility of the Soft Coral, Sinularia polydactyla as a Biomonitor of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine Waters: A Preliminary AssessmentWERI UOGWERI TR 151ContaminantGuamBio monitor, PCBs, Organic Contaminant, Guam
149Y. Wen, D. Chambers2014Land Cover Change Detection in SaipanWERI UOGWERI TR 149GISSaipanLand Cover Change, GIS, GPS, Saipan
148 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2014Improving the Pohnpei Island Water Distribution System Using Hydraulic Modeling and Geographic Information SystemsWERI UOGWERI TR 148Water SupplyPohnpei Islands, FSMWater Supply, Pohnpei, Hydraulic Modeling, GIS
147J.D. Rouse2013Inventory and Assessment of Existing Sewage Treatment Facilities and Excess Sludge Handling Practices in the Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 147WastewaterFSMWastewater, Treatment, FSM
146L. Muller, J.D. Rouse, S.hahram Khosrowpanah, P.E.2013GIS-Based Screening for Cumulative and Secondary Impacts from Development Projects in Northern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 146GeologyGuamGeodatabase, GIS, Guam
145S. Khosrowpanah, D. Taborosi2013Digital Atlas of Southern Guam WERI UOGWERI TR 145GISGuamWeb Development, Guam, Natural Resource
144G.R.W. Denton, B.C. Schaible2013Utility of the Brown Alga, Padina boryana as a Biomonitor of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine Waters: A Preliminary InvestigationWERI UOGWERI TR 144ContaminantGuamPCBs, Organic Contaminant, Alga, Bio monitor, Gaum
143C.A. Simard, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, .R.M. Manzanilla, D.G. Superales, N.C. Habana2015Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 143GroundwaterGuamNGLA, Groundwater, Salinity, Guam
142D.T. Vann, V.M. Bendixson, D.F. Roff, C.A. Simard, R.M. Schumann, N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson2014Topography of the Basement Rock beneath the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and its Implications for Groundwater Exploration and DevelopmentWERI UOGWERI TR 142GroundwaterGaumNGLA, Topography, groundwater, Guam
141V.M. Bendixson2013The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer DatabaseWERI UOGWERI TR 141GroundwaterGuamNGLA., Guam, Database, Well, Groundwater, Guam
140S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2013Improving the Weno, Chuuk Water Distribution System Using Hydraulic Modeling and Geographic Information SystemsWERI UOGWERI TR 140Water SupplyChuukHydraulic Modeling, GIS, Water Distribution, Chuuk
139S. Khosrowpanah, M. Lander, M. Golabi, S. Manibusan2012A GIS Based- Watershed Management Plan for the Piti-Asan WatershedsWERI UOGWERI TR 139Water SupplyGuamGIS, Guam, watershed, Management, Water Supply
138M. Kottermair2012 Piti-Asan Watershed Management PlanWERI UOGWERI TR 138Water SupplyGuamWatershed, Management, Water Supply, Guam
137 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2012Prediction of Flow Duration Curves for Use in Hydropower Analysis at Ungaged Sites in Kosrae, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 137EnergyKosraeHydropower, Streamflow, Energy, Kosrae, FSM
136T. Bell, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, R.H. Randall, J.W. Partin, B. Hardt, J.L. Banner2011Coral and Speleothem in situ Monitoring and Geochemical Analysis: Guam, Mariana Islands, USAWERI UOGWERI TR 136GeologyGuamGeology, hydrology, Climate, Coral Cores, Guam
135T. Bell, T. Endo, J.W. Jenson, R.F. Bell, M.A. Lander2011Pneumatic Underwater Drill for Extracting Coral CoresWERI UOGWERI TR 135ClimatologyGuamCoral Cores, Drill, Geochemistry, Climatology
134R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson2011Groundwater Resources Analysis of Atoll Islands in the Federated States of Micronesia Using an Algebraic ModelWERI UOGWERI TR 134GroundwaterAtoll, FSMWater Resource, Groundwater, Hydrology, Model, Atoll
133M. Kottermair, M.H. Golabi, S. Khosrowpanah, Y. Wen2011Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Badlands in Southern Guam: A Case Study of Selected SitesWERI UOGWERI TR 133GISGuamSoil Erosion, GIS, Guam
132 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2011Development of a Geographic Information System for the Commonwealth Utility Corporation, Saipan Water Distribution SystemWERI UOGWERI TR 132GISSaipanGIS, Saipan
131Q.C. Luo, S. Khosrowpanah2012Continuing Calibration and Application of LUOM in the Southern Guam WatershedsWERI UOGWERI TR 131Water QualityGuamWatershed, Streamflow, GIS, Guam
130G.R.W. Denton, M.S. Trianni, M.C. Tenorio2010Impact of Land-Based Sources of Pollution on Coastal Water Quality of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI): Arsenic, Mercury and PCBs in Popular Table Fish from Saipan LagoonWERI UOGWERI TR 130ContaminantSaipanPollution, Water Quality, Heavy Metal, Organic Contaminant, Saipan
129 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2010Prediction of Flow Duration Curves for Use in Hydropower Analysis at Ungaged Sites in Pohnpei, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 129EnergyPohnpei Islands, FSMHydropower, Streamflow, Energy, Pohnpei, FSM
128Q.C. Luo, S. Khosrowpanah2010Calibration and Application of LUOM in Southern Guam Watersheds with and without Flow DataWERI UOGWERI TR 128Water QualityGuamWatershed, Streamflow, GIS, Guam
127N. Habana, L.F. Heitz, A.E. Olsen, J.W. Jenson2009Vadose Flow Synthesis for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 127GroundwaterGuamNGLA. Vadose Flow, Water Quality, Groundwater, Guam
126S. Khosrowpanah, Y. Wen, M. Kottermair2010Spatial Distribution of Badlands in the Ugum Watershed: Characterization and Temporal AnalysisWERI UOGWERI TR 126Water QualityUgum, GuamSoil Erosion, Stream, Water Quality, Ugum, Guam
125Y. Wen, S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2009Land Cover Assessment for Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 125GISGuamGIS, Land cover change, Guam
124Y. Wen, S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2009Watershed Land Cover Change in GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 124GISGuamGIS, Land cover change, Guam
123G.R.W. Denton, B.G. Bearden, P. Houk, J.A. Starmer, H.R. Wood2008Heavy Metals in Biotic Representatives from the Intertidal Zone and Nearshore Waters of Tanapag Lagoon, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)WERI UOGWERI TR 123ContaminantSaipanContaminant Transport, Sediment, Saipan, Heavy Metal
122 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah, M. Inglecias2008Development of Junction Water Demands for the Saipan Water Distribution System Numerical ModelWERI UOGWERI TR 122Water SupplySaipanWater Supply, Modeling, Saipan
121S.M. Hoffman, J.W. Jenson, D.C. Moran, G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood, H.L. Vacher2007Background Fluorescence in Guam's Coastal WatersWERI UOGWERI TR 121GroundwaterGuamFluorescent Dye, Karst, groundwater flow, Guam
120R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson, D. Rubinstein, A.E Olsen2008An Atoll Freshwater Lens Algebraic Model for Groundwater Management in the Caroline IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 120GroundwaterAtollGroundwater, Modeling, Atoll
119R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson, D. Rubinstein, A.E Olsen2008Groundwater Resources of Atoll Islands: Observations, Modeling, and ManagementWERI UOGWERI TR 119GroundwaterAtollGroundwater, Modeling, Atoll
118H.V. Wuerch, B.C. Cruz, A.E. Olsen2007Analysis of the Dynamic Response of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer to Sea Level Change and RechargeWERI UOGWERI TR 118GroundwaterGuamNGLA, Sea Level, Recharge, Climate, Guam
117S. Khosrowpanah, L. F. Heitz, Y. Wen, M. Park2007Developing a GIS-Based Soil Erosion Potential Model of the UGUM WatershedWERI UOGWERI TR 117GeologyUgum, GuamGuam, Ugum Watershed, Soil erosion, GIS Modeling, Rainfall, Stream flow
116S. Khosrowpanah, Y. Wen, J. Jocson, D. Taborosi2008Natural Resources Atlas of Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 116GISGuamWeb Development, Guam, Natural Resource
115M.V. Krishnapillai, T. Scheidt, C. Fillme2006Qualitative Examination of Groundwater from Yap and some of its Neighboring IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 115GroundwaterYap, FSMWater Quality, Groundwater, Training
114T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2007A Preliminary Report on the Sabana Watershed/Talakhaya Springs System Rota (Luta), CNMIWERI UOGWERI TR 114Watershed, SpringRota, Mariana IslandsMariana Islands, Rota, island karst, caves, spring, watershed, Hydrology
113G.R.W. Denton, W.C. Kelly III, H.R. Wood, y. Wen2006Impact of Metal Enriched Leachate from Ordot Dump on the Heavy Metal Status of Biotic and Abiotic Components in Pago BayWater Resource Analysis of Fais Island, Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 113Contaminant TransportPago Bay, Guam Heavy Metal, River, Sediment, Pago Bay, Guam
112D. Taborosi2006Karst Inventory of Guam Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 112HydrogeologyGuam, Mariana IslandsKarst, Cave, Spring, Guam, Mariana Islands
111R.S. MacCracken, J.W. Jenson, L.F. Heitz, D.H. Rubinstein, J.E. Mylroie2007Water Resource Analysis of Fais Island, Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 111HydrogeologyFais, Federated States of MicronesiaRainwater, Geology, Cave, Freshwater, Fais, FSM
110G.R.W. Denton, C.M. Sian-Denton, L.P. Concepcion, H.R Wood2005Nutrient Status of Tumon Bay in Relation to Intertidal Blooms of the Filamentous Green Alga, Enteromorpha ClathrataWERI UOGWERI TR 110MicroorganismTumon, GuamNutrient, Tumon, Green Alga, Groundwater, Guam
109S. Khosrowpanah, J. Jocson2005Environmental Assessment for Non-Point Sources of Pollution for Ugum WatershedWERI UOGWERI TR 109Contaminant TransportUgum, GuamWatershed, Water Quality, Ugum, Guam, Non-point Source, Sediment
108G.R.W. Denton, M.H. Golabi, C. Iyekar, H.R. Wood, Y. Wen2005Mobilization of Aqueous Contaminants Leached from Ordot Landfill in Surface and Subsurface FlowsWERI UOGWERI TR 108Contaminant TransportOrdot, GuamLandfill, Contaminant, Leachate, Bacteria, Heavy Metals, Ordot, Guam
107T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2005The Caves and Karst of Rota Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 107HydrogeologyRota, Mariana IslandsKarst, Cave, Rota, Mixing dissolution, Island Karst Model
106K.W. Stafford, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2004Karst Geology of Aguijan and Tinian,CNMI Cave Inventory and Structural Analysis of DevelopmentWERI UOGWERI TR 106GeologyTinian, CNMIKarst, Geology, Cave, Tinian, CNMI
105T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2004Preliminary Report on the Caves and Karst of ROTA (LUTA), CNMIWERI UOGWERI TR 105HydrogeologyRota, Mariana IslandsKarst, Cave, Rota, Mixing dissolution, water lens
104D. Taborosi, J.W. Jenson, J.E. Mylroie2004Karst Features of Guam,Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 104HydrogeologyGuam, Mariana IslandsKarst, Mariana Islands, Limestone, Island Karst Model
103M.A. Lander2004Rainfall Climatology for Saipan: Distribution, Return-periods, El Nino, Tropical Cyclones, and Long-term VariationsWERI UOGWERI TR 103ClimatologyGuamRainfall Climatology, Guam
102M.A. Lander, C.P. Guard2003Creation of a 50-Year Rainfall Database, Annual Rainfall Climatology, and Annual Rainfall Distribution Map for GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 102ClimatologyGuamRainfall Climatology, Guam
101S. Khosrowpanah, L. Heitz2003Slow Sand Filter Conceptual Design for the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)WERI UOGWERI TR 101Water SupplyPohnpei Islands, FSMSand Filter, Disease, Pohnpei Islands, FSM
100M.A. Lander, S. Khosrowpanah2004Rainfall Climatology for Pohnpei Islands, Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 100ClimatologyPohnpei Islands, FSMRainfall Climatology, Pohnpei Islands, FSM
99 N. Scheman, S. Khosrowpanah, M. Gollabi, L. Heitz2002Identification of Erosion Processes and Sources of Exposed Patches in the LA SAFUA Watershed of Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 99HydrogeologyGuamErosion, Modeling, Sediment Loss
98 M.Q. McDonald, J.W. Jenson2003Chloride History and Trends of Water Production Wells in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 98Water QualityGuamChloride, Water Production, NGLA, Guam
97D.C. Moran, J.W. Jenson2004Dye Trace of Groundwater Flow from Guam Internation Airport and Harmon Sink to Agana Bay and Tumon Bay, GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 97GroundwaterGuam NGLAGroundwater, Dye Trace, Harmon Sink, Guam
96 K.W. Stafford, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2002Karst Geology and Hrdrology of Tinian and Rota(Luta), CNMIWERI UOGWERI TR 96HydrogeologyTinian, Rota, CNMIKarst Geology, Hydrology, Tinian, Rota, CNMI
95M.Q. McDonald2002Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentrations in the Northern Guam Lens and Potential Nitrogen SourcesWERI UOGWERI TR 95Water QualityGuamNGLA, Nitrogen, Guam
WIB 3 L.F. Heitz, N.C. Habana, J.A. Raza2001Designing Your Rainwater Catchment and Storage SystemWERI UOGWIB 3Water SupplyGuamRainwater Catchment, Storage, Guam
94 M.A. Lander, J.W. Jenson, C. Beausoliel2001Responses of Well Water Levels on Northern Guam to Variations of Rainfall and Sea LevelWERI UOGWERI TR 94GroundwaterGuamWell, Rainfall, Sea Level, Groundwater, Guam
93 G.R.W. Denton, B.G. Bearden, L.P. Concepcion, H.G. Siegrist, D.T. Vann, H.R. Wood2001Contaminant Assessment of Surface Sediments from Tanapag Lagoon, SaipanWERI UOGWERI TR 93Contaminant TransportSaipanContaminant Transport, Sediment, Saipan, Heavy Metal, Organic Contaminant
92 S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2001Rainfall Erosivity Factors (R-Factors) for Selected Islands in the Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 92Water QualityFSMRainfall, FSM, Soil Erosion, Contaminant, Water Quality
91 S. Khosrowpanah, L. Heitz, C.G. Beausoliel2001The Application of Slow Sand Filtration Technology for Kosrae State The Federated States of Micronesia: A Pliot ProjectWERI UOGWERI TR 91BWater QualityKosrae, FSMSurface Water, Sand Filter, Water Quality, Kosrae, FSM
91 D. Taborosi, S. Khosrowpanah2000Environmental Impact Statement Inarajan River Dam ProjectWERI UOGWERI TR 91AWater SupplyGuamInarajan River, Dam, Environmental Impact, Water Supply, Guam
WIB 2L.F. Heitz1999Designing Your Rainwater Catchment and Storage SystemWERI UOGWIB 2Water SupplyGuamRainwater Catchment, Storage, Guam
90D.N Contractor, J.W. Jenson1999Simulated Effect of Vadose Infiltration on Water Levels in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 90HydrologyGuamNGLA , Modeling, Hydrology, Guam
89J.L. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson, J.M.U. Jocson, M.A. Lander1999Karst Geology and Hydrology of GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 89HydrogeologyGuamKarst, Geology, Hydrology, Guam
88 J.M.U. Jocson, J.W. Jenson, D.N. Contractor1999Numerical Modeling and Field Investigation of Infiltration, Recharge, and Discharge in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 88GroundwaterGuamModeling, NGLA, Recharge, Discharge,
87 G.R.W. Denton, L.P. Concepcion, H.R. Wood1999Heavy Metals, PCBs, and PAHs in Marine Organisms from Four Harbor Locations on GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 87Contaminant TransportGuamHeavy Metal, Organic Contaminant, Harbor, Guam
86C. Guard. M.A. Lander1999A Scale Relating Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed to Potential Damage for the Tropical Pacific Ocean Region: A user's ManualWERI UOGWERI TR 86MeteorologyGuamTropical Cyclone, Damage, Manual, Meteorology, GUAM
85 C. Guard, M.P. Hamnett, C.J. Neumann, M.A. Lander, H.G. Siegrist1999Typhoon Vulnerbility Study for GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 85MeteorologyGuamTyphoon, Meteorology, Guam
84 G.R.W. Denton, L.F. Heitz, H.R. Wood, H.G. Siegrist, L.P. Concepcion, R. Lennox1998Urban Runoff in Guam: Major Retention Sites, Elemental Composition and Environmental Significance WERI UOGWERI TR 84Water QualityGuamRunoff, Stormwater, GIS, Water Quality, Guam
83 J.W. Jenson, J.M.U. Jocson1998Hydrologic Data Collection on Guam: FY1998 ReportWERI UOGWERI TR 83HydrologyGuamHydrology, Data, Well, Guam
82 G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood1998Mobility and Persistence of Modern Day Pesticides in Soil Used to Construct the Fairways of the Guam International Country Club Golf CourseWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 82Contaminant TransportGuamPesticide, Soil, Golf Course, Contaminant, Guam
81 G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood, L.P. Concepcion, H.G. Siegrist1997Analysis of In-Place Contaminants in Marine Sediments from Four Harbor Locations on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 81Contaminant TransportGuamSediment, Harbor, Contaminant Transport, Guam
80 L. Heitz, s. Khosrowpanah, J. Nelson1997Sizing of Surface Water Runoff Detention PondsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 80Surface WaterGuamRunoff, Surface Water, Stormwater, Rainfall,
79 H.G. Siegrist Jr, G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood, L. Concepcion, R.R. Lewis1997Aqueous Chemistry of a Perennial Wetland in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 79Contaminant TransportGuamWetland, Aqueous Chemistry, Sediment, Porewater, Guam
78 P.G. Dumalaing , L.C. Guzman, J.M. Jocson, R.R. Lewis, D.C. Moran, J.F. Salas, H.G. Siegrist 1997Reconnaissance Geology of a Proposed Dam/Reservoir Site in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 78GeologyGuamGeology, Dam, Reservoir, Guam
77 H.G. Siegrist Jr, R.R. Lewis, J.M. Jocson1998Seismic Hazard Vulnerability on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 77SeismicGuamSeismic, Guam
76 H.G. Siegrist Jr, G.R.W. Denton, L.F. Heitz, E.A. Matson, A.F. Rinehart, B.D. Smith1996Wetlands Resources in the YGUM Watershed GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 76Water ResourceGuamWetland, Watershed, Ugum, Guam
WIB 1L.F Heitz, S.J. Winter1996Designing Your Rainwater Catchment and Storage SystemWERI UOGWIB 1Water SupplyGuamRainwater Catchment, Storage, Guam
75M.A. Lander1994Meteorological Factors Associated with Drought on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 75MeteorologyGuamDrought, Rainfall, Guam
74S.J. Winter1993Federated States of Micronesia Water Resources Studies BibliographyWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 74Water ResourceFSMWater Resource, FSM, Bibliography
73E.A. Matson1986Terrigenous Material in Coastal Zone Sediments of Guam and SaipanWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 73Contaminant TransportGuam, SaipanSediment, Contaminant, Guam, Saipan
72H.R. Wood1989The Occurrence of Certain Pesticides in Ground and Surface Waters Associated with Ordot Landfill in the Pago River Basin, Guam Mariana IslandsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 72Water QualityGuamPesticide, Groundwater, Surface Water, Landfill, Water Quality. Guam
71E.A. Matson1991Nitrification in Guam's Soils and SedimentsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 71Water QualityGuamSoil, Sediment, Nitrification, Aquifer, Drinking Water, Water Quality, Guam
70E.A. Matson1990Significance of Runoff and Terrestrial Erosion to the Nutrient Status of Esturaries on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 70Water QualityGuamRunoff, Erosion, Water Quality, Guam
69 D.N. Contractor, R. Srivastava1989Calibration of a Saltwater Intrusion Model for the Northern Guam Lens Using a MicrocomputerWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 69GroundwaterGuamSaltwater Intrusion, Modeling, Guam, Aquifer
68R.N. Clayshulte1986Marine Water Quality in Okat, Kosrae for Airport and Dock Facility Construction Project Part C Post-ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 68Water QualityOkat, KosraeAirport, Water Quality, Marine, Okat, Kosrae
67R.N. Clayshulte1986Marine Water Quality in Okat, Kosrae for Airport and Dock Facility Construction Project Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 67Water QualityOkat, KosraeAirport, Water Quality, Marine, Okat, Kosrae
66S. Khosrowpanah1987Improving the Water Distribution System at Kolonia, Pohnpei State Through Use of a Digital Water Distribution ModelWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 66Water SupplyKolonia, PohnpeiRunoff, Modeling, Water Supply, Kolonia, Pohnpei
65R.L. Hunter-Anderson1987Indigenous Fresh Water Management Technologies of Truk, Pohnpei and Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, and of Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia WERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 65Water SupplyGuam, Kosrae, Pohnpei, FSMFresh Water Management, Water Supply, Guam, Kosrae, Pohnpei, FSM
64 W.J. Zolan, L. Ellis-Neill1986Concentrations of Aluminum, Manganese, Iron and Calcium in Four Southern Guam RiversWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 64Water QualityGuamWater Quality, Metal, River, Guam
63R.L. Hunter-Anderson1986Indigenous Fresh Water Management Technology of the Yap Islands, Micronesia WERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 63Fresh WaterYap, FSMSeep, Spring, Stream, Well, Yap, FSM
62L.F. Heitz1986Development of a Computerized Distribution System Model of the Moen Island Water Distribution SystemWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 62Water SupplyMoen, TrukModeling, Water Supply, Moen, Truk
61 S.J. Winter, G.A. Heslinga, L.D. McCleary1985A Photovoltaic Seawater Pumping System for Giant Clam MaricultureWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 61Clam CultureMicronesiaSeawater, Pumping, Clam, Micronesia
60 S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary1985Solar-Powered Wells for Atoll Island Water Supplies -Part IWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 60Water SupplyAtoll, TrukWell, Pumping, Atoll, Truk
59 S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary1985A Ram Pump DemonstrationWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 59Water SupplyPohnpei Islands, FSMHydraulic Ram Pump, Water Supply, Pohnpei, FSM
58 R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan1985Environmental Mercury in Marine Water and Fish from Kasrae State, FSMWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 58Water QualityKosrae, FSMWater Quality, Mercury, Marine Water, Fish, Kosrae, FSM
57R.N. Clayshulte1985Historical Water Quality of Puag Production Water WellsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 57Water QualityPuagWater Quality, Well, Puag
56 J.F. Ayers, R.N. Clayshulte1984A Premininary Study of the Hydrogeology of Northern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 56HydrogeologyGuamGroundwater, Hydrogeology, Guam
55R.N. Clayshulte1984Limited Current and Bathymetric Surveys at the Marine Outfall in Lelu Harbor and Reconnaissance Surveys of Effluent Disposal Sites at Malem and Utwe, KosraeWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 55WastewaterKosrae, Utwe, MalemWastewater, Marine Water Circulation, Harbor, Kosrae, Utwe, Malem
54 S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary1984Some Improvements in the Design of the WERI WellWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 54GroundwaterTruk, FSMGroundwater, Well, Pump Test, Truk, FSM
53T.A. Dillaha, W.J. Zolan1984A Comparative Laboratory Study of Sewage Treatement by A Capillary Siphon Trench System Versus A Conventional Leaching Trench SystemWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 53WastewaterGuamWater Quality, Wastewater, Lab Experiment, Niimi Process
52J.F. Ayers, H.L. Vacher, R.N. Clayshulte, D. Strout, R. Stebnisky1984Hydrogeology of Deke Island Pingelap Atoll Eastern Caroline IslandsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 52HydrogeologyPingelap Atoll, Ponape StateWell, Monitoring, Tidal Gauge, Water Quality
51R.A. Stephenson1984A Comparision of Freshwater Use Customs on Ulithi Atoll with Those of Selected Other Micronesian AtollsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 51FreshwaterUlithi Atoll, MicronesiaFreshwater Catchment, Rainwater, Storage, Ulithi Atoll, Micronesia
50R.A. Stephenson, H. Kurashina1983A Comparison of Water Catchment and Storage Systems in Two Micronesian Atoll Communities: Laura and NamaWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 50FreshwaterLaura, Nama, Atoll, MicronesiaFreshwater Catchment, Rainwater, Storage, Laura, Nama, Atoll, Micronesia
49S.J. Winter, R.D. Watters1984Solar Pumping for Village Water Supply Systems on TrukWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 49Water SupplyTruk, FSMSolar Pumping, Water Supply, Truk
48J.F. Ayers, R.N. Claychulte1985Reconnaissance Level Investigation of Salt-Water Intrusion on Kuttu Island, Satawan Atoll, Truk StateWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 48Water QualityKuttu Island, Satawan Atoll, TrukGroundwater, Saltwater, Intrusion, Salinity, Truk
47R.N. Clayshulte, J.F. Ayers1983Diagenesis and Pore-Space Evolution Within Recent and Pleistocene Carbonate Units of Orote Peninsula, GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 47HydrogeologyGuamGroundwater, Limestone, Sediment, Guam
46W.J. Zolan1983Water Quality Monitoring Program Palau Airport Project Ngurusar Bay-Toagel Mid Channel Babelthaup and Koror Islands Palau District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 46Water QualityPalauWater Quality, Airport, Palau
45T.A. Dillaha, W.J. Zolan1983An Investigation of the Water Quality of Rooftop Rainwater Catchment Systems in MicronesiaWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 45Water QualityKosrae, Panape, Yap, Palau, Micronesia Water Quality, Rainwater, Kosrae, Panape, Yap, Palau, Micronesia, Microorganism
44J.F. Ayers, R.N. Clayshulte1985A Preliminary Investigation of Salt-Water Intrusion on Nukuoro Island, Nukuoro Atoll, Ponape StateWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 44Water QualityNukuoro Atoll, PonapeWater Quality, Saltwater, Intrusion, Nukuoro Atoll, Ponape
43R.N. Clayshulte1983Water Quality Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island, Truk Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part C Post-ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 43Water QualityTruk, FSMWater Quality, Airport, Truk, FSM
42A. Wake1983A Two Dimensional Depth-Integrated Finite Element Coastal Circulation ModelWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 42Coastal CirculationGuamModeling, Coastal Circulation, Guam
41J.F. Ayers, R.N. Claychulte1983Feasibility Study of Developing Valley-Fill Aquifers for Village Water Supplies in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 41Water SupplyGuamWater Supply, Groundwater, Well, Guam
40J.F. Ayers, R.N. Claychulte1983Hydrogeologic Investigation of Agana SwampWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 40HydrogeologyAgana, GuamGroundwater, Hydrogeology, Swamp, Agana, Guam
39S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary, R.D. Watters1983The WERI Well on Truk: A Solar Photovoltaic Pumping ProjectWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 39GroundwaterTruk, FSMGroundwater, Photovoltaic Pumping, Truk, FSM
37T.A. Dillaha, W.J. Zolan1983The Effects of Increased Salinity Levels on the Reaction Rates of Biological Wastewater TreatmentWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 37WastewaterMicronesiaWastewater, Salinity, Water Quality, waste stabilization pond, Micronesia
36P.A. Cowen1982The Influence of Modern Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Systems on Water Quality in MicronesiaWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 36Water QualityPalau, PonapeWater Quality, Wastewater, Water SUPPLY, Palau, Ponape
35R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan1982Water Quality Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island, Truk Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 35Water QualityTruk, FSMWater Quality, Airport, Truk, FSM
34W.J. Zolan1982A Preliminary Study of Natural Aquifer Discharge on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 34Water QualityGuamGroundwater, Seepage, Spring, Water Quality, Guam
33D.N. Contractor, S.j. Winter1981Assessment of Low Head, Micro Hydroelectric Equipment for Use on Small Tropical IslandsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 33EnergyPonapeHydroelectric equipment, waterfall, Energy, Ponape
32W.J. Zolan. R.N. Clayshulte, S.J. Winter1982Air Particulate and Noise Level Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island, Truk, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 32Air QualityTruk, FSMAir Quality, Airport, Particulate, Noise, Truk, FSM
31J.F. Ayers1981Evaluation of the Groundwater Resources of the Agag Basin SaipanWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 31GroundwaterSaipan, CNMIGroundwater, Basin, Hydrogeology, Saipan, CNMI
30A. Wake1982Development of a Three-Dimensional Steady-State Air Quality Simulation Model over Complex Terrain: Variation Optimization of Wind FieldWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 30Air QualityGuamModeling, Air Quality, Guam
29W.J. Zolan1981Diatom Assemblages as Indicators of Water Quality in Freshwater Habitats of GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 29Water QualityGuamWater Quality, Freshwater, Guam
28S.J. Winter, R.A. Stephenson1981The Development of a Aillage Water Supply System in TrukWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 28Water SupplyTruk, FSMWater Supply, Rainwater, Well, Truk, FSM
27D.N. Contractor, J.F. Ayers, S.J. Winter1981Numerical Modeling of Salt-Water Intrusion in the Northern Guam LensWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 27GroundwaterGuamModeling, Saltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Guam
26D.N. Contractor1981A Two-Dimensional, Finite Element Model of Salt Water Intrusion in Groundwater SystemsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 26GroundwaterGuamModeling, Saltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Guam
25W.J. Zolan1981Metal Concentrations in Guam Urban RunoffWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 25Water QualityGuamHeavy Metal, Runoff, Guam
24C.P. Neubauer1981The Effects of Land-Clearing on a Small Watershed in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 24Water QualityGuamWater Quality, River, Guam
23S.G. Nelson, R.N. Tsutsui1981Ammonium Uptake by Micronesian Species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta)WERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 23MicroorganismMicronesiaMicroorganism, Ammonium, Micronesia
22T.L. Smalley, W.J. Zolan1981Water Quaility Assessment for Agana SpringsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 22Water QualityAgana, GuamAgana Spring, Water Quality, Guam
21J.F. Ayers1981Estimate of Recharge to the Freshwater Lens of Northern GuamWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 21GroundwaterGuamRainfall, Groundwater Recharge, Chloride, Guam
20D.N. Contractor1981A One-Dimensional, Finite Element Salt Water Intrusion ModelWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 20GroundwaterGuamSaltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Modeling, Guam
18P.A. Cowan, R.N. Clayshulte1980Laboratory Application of Scondary Sewage Effluent to Argillaceous LimestoneWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 18Water QualityGuamSewage, River, Limestone, Nutrient, Guam
17R.A. Stephenson, D. Moore1980Freshwater Use Customs On Rota : An Exploratory StudyWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 17FreshwaterRota, Mariana IslandsFreshwater, Rota
16P.A. Cowan1980Future Water Quality Monitroing Priorities for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands WERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 16Water QualityPacific IslandsMarine Water Quality, Pacific Islands
15C.J. Huxel1980The Ghura-Dededo Deep Monitoring Well Planning and DesignWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 15GroundwaterGhura, Dededo, GuamDeep Monitoring Well, NGLA, Guam
14P.A. Cowan, R.N. Clayshulte1980Marine Baseline Water Quality of the Trust Territory of the Pacific IslandsWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 14Water QualityMarshalls,Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape, Kosrae, Pacific IslandsWater Quality, Marine, Marshalls, Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape, Kosrae, Pacific Islands
13R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan1980Well Water Quality on Moen Island, TrukWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 13Water QualityTruk, FSMWater Quality, Well, groundwater, Truk, FSM
12C.J. Romeo, W.J. Zolan, S.J. Winter1981Water Quality Monitoring Program Palau Airport Project Ngurusar Bay Babelthuap Island Palau District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part A Pre-constructionWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 12Water QualityPalauWater Quality, Heavy metal, Palau
11D.W. Contractor1980A review of Techniques for Studying Freshwater/Seawater Relationships in Coastal and Island Groundwater Flow SystemsWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 11GroundwaterGuamSaltwater Intrusion, Freshwater, Guam
10S.G. Nelson, B.D. Smith, B.R. Best1980Nitrogen Uptake by Tropical Freshwater MacrophytesWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 10GroundwaterGuamNitrogen, Freshwater Macrophytes
9D.A. Grosenbaugh1979Role of the Blue-Green Alga Mostoc Muscorum as a Possible Nitrate Source to the Groundwaters of GuamWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 9Water QualityGuamAlga, Groundwater, Water Quality, Nitrogen, Guam
8R.A. Stephenson1979Freshwater Use Customs on Guam: An Exploratory StudyWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 8FreshwaterGuamFreshwater, Guam
7 R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan, S.J. Winter1979Air, Noise, and Water Quality Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island Truk District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part A Pre-Construction WERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 7MonitoringMoen, TrukAirport, Air, Noise, Water Quality, Moen, Truk
6 W.J. Zolan, R.N. Clayshulte, S.J. Winter1978Urban Runoff Pollutant Adsorption and Filtering by Selected Northern Guam Soils and LimestoneWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 6Water QualityGuamRunoff, Limestone, Pollutant, Guam
5W.J. Zolan, R.N. Clayshutle, S.J. Winter, J.A. Marsh Jr., R.H.H. Young1978Urban Runoff Quality in Northern GuamWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 5Water QualityGuamWater Quality, Urban runoff, Pollutant, Guam
4S.J. Winter, C.K. Liu1978The Analysis of Small Water Distribution SystemsWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 4Water SupplyGuamWater Supply, Guam
3R.T. Tsuda, D.A. Grosenbaugh1977Agat Sewage Treatment Plant: Impact of Secondary Treated Effluent on Guam Coastal WatersWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 3WastewaterAgat, GuamSewage, Water Quality, Wastewater Treatment, Agat, Guam
2J.F. Mink, L.S. Lau1977Groundwater Analysis by Tritium Technique: A Preliminary EvaluationWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 2GroundwaterGuamGroundwater, Tritium, Guam
1J.F. Mink1976Groundwater Resources of Guam: Occurrence and DevelopmentWERI UOGWERI TR 1GroundwaterGuam NGLAGroundwater resources, Development, Guam

Below is a list of WERI publications, conferences, products, and presentations. The text in bold are sponsored by GHS. 

TitlePublication | Conference AuthorYear
Hydrogeological assessment of the Urban Combat Training Project Site, Anderson AFB, Guam, Final Draft for CommentResearch Corporation University of Guam (RCUOG) WERI Scientific Advisory Report (SAR) for Merrick and Company: 227 pp.Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana2020
A hydrogeologic survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: engineering and design recommendations for rehabilitationWERI Technical Report 172, 102 pp.Bourke, P., J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and M.A. Lander2020
Development of a GIS based imagery database for groundwater recharge areas and key reaches of streams on Guam phase IIWERI Technical Report 171: 49 pp.Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, and M. Ziobro2020
Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Concentrations in Water Resources of GuamInternational Conference on Geological and Environmental Sustainability, Seoul, December 21, 2019Kim, Y.S., M.N. Duenas, N.C. Habana, R. Lohmann, and J. Becanova2019
Toward a Sustainable Management Concept for Coastal and Island AquifersNational Groundwater Association (NGWA), Groundwater Week, Summit Conference Sessions: Sustainability and Planning Session, Las Vegas Convention Center, 3-5 December. NGWA:, J.W. and N.C. Habana2019
Hydrogeologic Survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: Determination of its Natural Capacity and Development OptionsNGWA, Groundwater Week, Summit Conference Sessions: Sustainability and Planning Session, Las Vegas Convention Center, 3-5 December. NGWA:, P., J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and M.A. Lander2019
Dynamic Response of a Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in RechargeInternational Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7: 20-27.Dougher, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, and K. Ho2019
Defining and evaluating production capacity for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI Technical Report 170: 57 pp.Superales, D.G., N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson2019
Hydrogeologic assessment for closed-contour depressions identified in the J-0001B Finegayan Utilities and site improvements projectRCUOG WERI SAR for Granite-Obayashi a Joint Venture (GOJV): 200 pp.Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana2019
Dynamic response of the freshwater lens to natural variations in recharge, Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI Technical Report 168: 39 pp.Dougher, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, K. Ho., and G.C. Aguilar2019
Geotechnical assessment of the NSSAR Site, Live-Fire Training Range Complex, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, GuamRCUOG WERI SAR for Black Construction Corporation: 108 pp.Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana2019
Hydrogeologic assessment of the suspect sinkhole area at AC15 NIC Site: J-001B Finegayan Utilities and Site Improvements Project, Phase 1, Marine Corps Activity GuamRCUOG WERI SAR for GOJV: 74 pp.Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana2019
Dynamic response of a freshwater lens to natural variations in rechargeProceedings of 186th International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management – International Conference on Environment and Natural Science, Seoul, 4-5 July. IASTEM,, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, and M.A. Lander2019
Groundwater contamination by polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in GuamProceedings of 186th IASTEM International Conference, Seoul, 4-5 July. IASTEM, http://iastem.orgKim, Y.S., M.A. Duenas, N.C. Habana, G.R.W. Denton, J.W. Jenson, and M.A. Lander2019
Development of a GIS based imagery database for groundwater recharge areas and key reaches of streams on GuamWERI Technical Report 169: 59 pp.Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, and M. Ziobro2019
Dynamic response of the freshwater lens to natural variations in recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon BasinNGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA:, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, and K. Ho2018
Defining and Evaluating Groundwater Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer: Production Well System in the Parabasal Zone, Northern Guam Lens AquiferNGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA: 2018. Defining and Evaluating Groundwater Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer: Production Well2018
Guam Water Resources Monitoring ProgramNGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA:, K., J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and Y.S. Kim2018
The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer MapNGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA:, N.C., and J.W. Jenson2018
Consideration Factors of Production-Well Rehabilitation Assessment on GuamNGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA: https://ngwa., Y.S., J.W. Jenson, and N.C. Habana2018
Hydrogeological assessment: Live-Fire Training Range Complex, sinkhole, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, GuamWest Pacific Geoscience Consulting (WPGC) SAR for Black Construction Corporation 2018: 98 pp.Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana2018
Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS): a contaminant of emerging concern in Guam’s groundwaterProceedings of the 125th The Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists (The IRES) International Conference, Beijing, 29-30 June. The IRES, http://theires.orgDenton, G.R.W., C.M. Sian Denton, Y.S. Kim, J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and M.A. Lander2018
Terrain analysis and sinkhole reconnaissance: planned firing range, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam (P735 Firing Range)WPGC SAR for Duenas Camacho and Associates (DCA): 66 Pp.Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana2018
Digital Atlas of Yap. In: Digital Atlas of MicronesiaAvailable at Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi) and Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific (WERI).Taborosi, D. and Rouse, J.2018
Digital Atlas of MicronesiaAvailable at Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi) and Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific (WERI).Taborosi, D. et al.2018
Digital Atlas of Yap. In: Digital Atlas of MicronesiaAvailable at Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi) and Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific (WERI).Taborosi, D. and Rouse, J.2018
Digital Atlas of MicronesiaAvailable at Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi) and Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific (WERI).Taborosi, D. et al. 2018
Developing public awareness of benefits of composting waste sludge in YapIsland Sustainability Conference: Island Alliance for Sustainable Action. University of Guam, Center for Island Sustainability. Tumon, Guam; March 27 – 30, 2018Rouse, Joseph D., Hyun Jong Hahm2018
Improvements to Sewage and Sludge Treatment Operations on the Island of Yap, FSM2018 Pacific Water Conference – Enhancing Hawai’i’s Water Environment. Hawai’i Water Environment Association & American Water Works Association. Honolulu, Hawaii; February 7 – 8, 2018Rouse, Joseph D., Hyun Jong Hahm2018
NGLA Groundwater Model ExplorationsGuam Advisory Council Meeting, November 9, 2017, Tumon, GuamSuperales, Daniel, Nathan C. Habana, Barry Kim, John Jenson, Stephen Gingerich2017
Effect of Climate Variability on Soil Erosion, Land SlideAsian Pacific Academy of Science, Education, Environmental Management. Abstract, Saipan, November 10, 2017Lander, Mark; Shahram, Khisrowpanah2017
Guam Hydrologic Survey WorkshopSeptember 11 & 18, 2017, WERI, University of Guam, Mangilao, GuamHabana Nathan; John Jenson, Barry Kim, Mark Lander, Bekah Dougher, Erin Miller, Daniel Superales, and Joseph Rouse2017
Executive Tour: Guam Power and Water Authority, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer TourJune 6, 2017, University of Guam, Mangilao, GuamHabana, Nathan; Barry Kim, John Jenson2017
Guam Waterworks Authority and UOG EV-511 Students NGLA Tour, Conference on Island Sustainability, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer TourApril 21, 2017, University of Guam, Mangilao, GuamHabana, Nathan; John Jenson2017
Guam Water Kids and Guam Department of Education, Northern Guam Lends Aquifer TourApril 13, 2017, University of Guam, Mangilao, GuamHabana, Nathan; John Jenson2017
Chloride and Production TrendsGuam Hydrologic Survey Workshop, Mangilao, GuamMiller, Erin, Nathan Habana, Mark Lander, John Jenson2017
Chloride and Production TrendsWERI Guam Annual Advisory Council Meeting, Water and Environmental Research Institute, University of Guam, Tumon, GuamMiller, Erin, Nathan Habana, Mark Lander, John Jenson2017
Chloride and Production TrendsIn Abstracts and Program University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability, University of Guam, Tumon, Guam 10 p.Miller, Erin, Nathan Habana, Mark Lander, John Jenson2017
NGLA Groundwater Model ExplorationsGuam Hydrologic Survey Workshop September 11 & 18, 2017, Mangilao, GuamSuperales, Daniel, Nathan C. Habana, Barry Kim, John Jenson, Stephen Gingerich2017
Evaluating Best-Practice Capacities for a Carbonate Island Karst Aquifer, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Guam, USANGWA Groundwater Summit 2017, Nashville, 4-7 December. NGWA:, N.C., J.W. Jenson, and S.B. Gingerich2017
Expansion of Baseline Data for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and Evaluation of Innovative Technologies to Reduce Containment InputWERI Annual Guam Advisory Council Meeting, Tumon, GuamHabana, Nathan, Joseph Rouse, John Jenson2017
Developing Stage-to-flow Relationships of the Toguan River, GuamAsia-Pacific Academy of Science Conference, November 15 – 17, 2016, SaipanKhosrowpanah, Sh.2016
UOG Emerging School of Engineering: Training Tomorrow’s Engineers to Meet Today’s Community NeedsAsia Pacific Academy of Science Conference, November 15 – 17, 2016, SaipanKhosrowpanah, Sh.2016
Fish Sentinels Identify Mercury Hotspots in Saipan LagoonAsia-Pacific Academy of Science Conference, November 15 – 17, 2016, SaipanDenton, G.R.W.2016
Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: Natural and Human FactorsAmerican Water Works Association, Hawaii Section, Western Pacific Subsection (AWWA HIWPS) Annual Conference, Tumon and Hagåtña, 11-12 April. AWWA-HIWPS:, C., J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, M.Q. McDonald, and N.C. Habana2016
A Digital Atlas of Northern Guam: www.hydroguam.netWater & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam2016
Water Resources on Outer-Lying Islands in Micronesia. Thesis.Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.Biekmann, A.M.2016
Water resources on outer-lying islands in MicronesiaIn J. Ramirez, abstract in: Proceeding of the XXXVI American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Fort Collins, CO.Biekmann, A.M. and R.T. Bailey2016
A Natural Resources Atlas of Southern Guam: www.hydroguam.netWater & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam2016
Digital Atlas of Phonpei, & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam, Mangilao, GuamTaborosi, D2016
Pacific ENSO Update: A Quarterly Bulletin of the Pacific El Nino-Southern Oscillation Applications Climate (PEAC) Center3rd Quarter 2016, Vol. 22 No. 3. ( Lander2016
Exploring Best-Practice Capacities in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer2nd Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands, Honolulu, 1-3 December. Water Resources Research Center (WRRI), University of Hawaii at Manoa: 11315.pdfHabana, N.C., J.W. Jenson, and S.B. Gingerich2015
Damaging Typhoons and Major Drought : The Ongoing and Forecast Effects of the 2015 El Nino in the Tropical PacificThe Second Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands December 1 – 3, 2015 | Hilton Hawaiian Village | Honolulu, HawaiiLander, Mark A.2015
Dieldrin: An Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminant of Potential Concern in Guam’s Groundwater2nd Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands, Honolulu, 1-3 December. Water Resources Research Center (WRRI), University of Hawaii at Manoa:, G.R.W., C. Sian Denton, and N.C. Habana2015
Watershed Management: Ugum, Pit-Asan, and Geus WatershedSecond Conference on Water Resources Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands. Abstracs. Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1 – 3Khosrowpanah, Sh., Mark Lander2015
Terrain analysis and sinkhole reconnaissance: planned firing range area Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, GuamWPGC SAR for DCAJenson, J.W., and N.C. Habana2015
Rainwater catchment system design using simulated future climate dataJ. Hydrology 529, 1798-1809., 2015, Rainwater catchment system design using simulated future climate data. J. Hydrology 529, 1798-1809Wallace, C.D. and R.T. Bailey, and M. Arabi2015
Estimation of future freshwater supply of Micronesian atoll islands using simulated climate dataIn J. Ramirez, abstract in: Proceedings of the XXXV American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Fort Collins, CO. (Programs and Abstract)Wallace, C.D. and R.T. Bailey2015
Estimation of future freshwater lens volume of Micronesian Atoll islandsConference of the American Water Resources Association, Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. (Program and Abstract)Wallace, C.D. and R.T. Bailey2015
Wallace, C.D., R.T. Bailey, and J.W. JensonAtoll Island Freshwater Resources: Modeling, Analysis, and OptimizationWater & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, Technical Report #155: 147 p.2015
Studies on Enchancement of Sewage Treatment and Compositing of Sludge on Yap IslandSecond Conference on Water Resources Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands, Honolulu, Hawaii; December 1 – 3, 2015. (Conference Presentation with Abstract)Rouse, Joseph D.2015
Change Detection of Land Cover Change in Saipan37th Annual Research Conference, University of Guam, Mach 8, 2016, p3.Wen, Y. and D. Chambers2015
National Weather Service Forecast Office Guam and the University of Guam Water and Environmental Research Institute Typhoon Soudelor Wind Assessment for SaipanAmerican Meteorological Society 32nd Annual Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Puerto Rico, April 2016. Online Proceedings.Lander, Mark A.2015
National Weather Service in Guam and the University of Guam Press Release: Typhoon Soudelor Wind Assessment for Saipan, CNMIPress release to government agencies, local media, and public of Guam and the CNMI. Meteorological assessment of the intensity and damage caused by the passage of Typhoon Soudelor over Saipan on the night of 02 August 2015.Guard, C.P., and Mark Lander2015
Professional Field Trip of the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI, 33p., J.W., Danko, Taborosi2015
Impact of WWII Dumpsites on Saipan (CNMI): Heavy Metal Status of Soils and SedimentsJournal of Waste Management and Research, (in review).Denton, G.R.W. C.A. Emborski, R. Masga, J.A. Starmer2015
Assessment of Turbidity in the Geus River Watershed in Southern GuamWERI Technical Report No. 156, June 2015Khosrowpanah, S., Lander, M. A., Rouse, J.D., and Whitman, W.M.C.2015
Exploring Best-Practice Capacities in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferAWWA-HIWPS Water and Wastewater Conference, Tumon, 13-14 April. AWWA-HIWPS:, N.C., Jenson, J.W., and Gingerich, S.B.2015
Guam International Airport, Stormwater infiltration analysis and recommendations in support of design of stormwater system improvementsWPGC and Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting SAR for Gutteridge Haskins & Davey: 46 pp.Jenson, J.W., and N.C. Habana2015
Testing the Strontium/Calcium Proxy for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Coral Porites lutea, in Guam, Micronesia, University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Water & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific.UOGML Technical Reoport 152, WERI Technical Report 152McCutcheon, A. L., Raymundo, L. J., Jenson, J. W., Prouty, N. G., Lander, M. A., and Randall, R. H.2015
Development of Environmentally Sustainable Methods for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Handling of Sewage Sludge on Yap IslandWERI Technical Report No. 153, February 2015Rouse, J.D.2015
Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWater & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, WERI Technical Report 143Simard, C. A., Jenson, J.W., Lander, M.A., Manzanilla, R.M., Superales, D.G., Habana, N.C.2015
Analysis of Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, in Proceedings Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate RegionsGerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, June 14-18, 2012 2015, in pressSimard, C. A., Jenson, J. W., and Lander, M. A.2015
Treatment of Low-strength Municipal Wastewater Containing Phenanthrene Using Activated Sludge and Biofilm ProcessDesalination and Water Treatment. 2015, pp. 1-11.Sfaelou, S.; Papadimitriou, C.A.; Manariotis, I.D.; Rouse, J.D.; Vakros, J.; Karapanagioti, H.K.2015
Atoll Island Freshwater Resources: Modeling, Analysis, and OptimizationWERI Technical Report #155, p. 147 p.Wallace, C. D., Bailey, R. T., and Jenson, J. W.2015
Land Cover Change in Saipan, CNMI from 1978 to 2009International Journal of Research In Earth and Environmental Sciences (IJREES), Volume 3: Issue 4, pp 6.Wen, Y. and Chambers, D.2015
Topography of the basement rock beneath the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and its implications for groundwater exploration and developmentWERI Technical Report 142: 72 pp.Vann, D.T., V.M. Bendixson, D.F. Roff, C.A. Simard, R.M. Schumann, N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson2014
The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Database w/ accompanying CDWERI Technical Report 141, 2nd Edition: 95 pp.Bendixson, V.M., J.W. Jenson, and N.C. Habana2014
Anthropogenic Biogeochemical Impacts on Coral Reefs in the Pacific Islands – An OverviewDeep-Sea Research II, 6: 5-12Morrison,R.J. , G.R.W. Denton, U. Bale Tamata and J. Grignon2014
Regulatory Framework and Monitoring Strategies Adopted by GWA for the Sustainable Production of Safe Drinking Water from the Northern Guam Lens AquiferRegional Islands Sustainability Conference, Hyatt Regency, Tumon, Guam, April 15-16 2014Denton, G.R.W. and C.M. Denton2014
Wind, Weather Watersheds and Water Quality: WERI Regional ResearchAnnual UOG Faculty Development Day, Hyatt Regency, Tumon, Guam February 21, 2014Denton, G.R.W. and J.W. Jenson2014
Indoor Radon Levels and Lung Cancer on Guam35th Annual Research Conference, University of Guam, March 11, 2014Denton, G.R.W. and S. Namazi2014
Artefatos militares e uso de cavernas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial nas Ilhas Marianas, Pacífico Oeste (World War II artifacts and wartime use of caves in the Mariana Islands, Western Pacific)Caderno de Geografia 24(42): 218-231.Taboroši, D., Jenson, J. and Stafford, K.W.2014
Utility of the Soft Coral, Sinularia polydactyla as a Biomonitor for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine WatersWERI Technical Report, No.151. 49 pp. plus appendicesWelch. P.M., Schupp, P. and G.R.W. Denton2014
Influence of urban runoff, inappropriate waste disposal practices and World War II on the heavy metal status of sediments in the southern half of Saipan Lagoon, Saipan, CNMIMarine Pollution Bulletin. 81(1):276-281Denton, G.R.W., Emborski, C.A., Habana, N.C. and Starmer, J.A. 2014
The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer DatabaseWERI Technical Report No. 141: 45Bendixson, V.M.2013
Metal Deficiencies and Imbalances in Wetland Plants from a Manganese-Enriched Wetland in Southern Guam: A Possible Lytico-Bodig Connection?APASEEM General Meeting, November 20-21, 2013, American Memorial Park Auditorium, SaipanDenton, G.R.W.2013
Coral Growth Calibration of the Sr/Ca Proxy for SST Reconstruction in Guam17th Biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), The Oceanography Society (TOS), and the American Geophysical Union (AGU)McCutcheon, A., Raymundo, L., Prouty, N., Jenson, J., Lander, M. and Randall, R.2013
Program & Abstracts: Evaluation of speleothem oxygen isotope fractionation from a tropical cave on the island of GuamFall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco: December 9-13, 2013.Moore, M., Hardt, B., Banner, J. and Jenson, J.2013
Symposium Program and Abstracts: A hypothesis for carbonate island karst aquifer evolution from analysis of field observations in northern Guam, Mariana IslandsInternational Symposium on Hierarchial Flow Systems. Mádl-Szőnyi, J., Erőss, A., Mindszenenty, A. and Tóth, A.Jenson, J.W., Taboroŝi, D., Rotzoll, K., Mylroie, J.E., and Gingerich, S.B.2013
Meteorological Conditions Affecting Speleothem Paleoclimate Record in a Tropical Cave, Guam, Mariana IslandsNational Speleological Society Convention. Shippensburg University, PA.Mccann, S., Mylroie, J.E., Jenson, J.W. and Lander, M.A.2013
VADOCHARGEN: a vadose flow and N-transport simulation model for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferInternational Journal of Engineering Science Technology and Research. Vol. 1(11):268-287Habana, N.C., J.W.L. Salvacion, J.W. Jenson, and J.D. Rouse2013
GIS-based screening for cumulative and secondary impacts from development projects in northern GuamWERI Technical Report No. 146, December 2013L. Muller, J.D. Rouse, S. Khosrowpanah2013
Utility of the Brown Alga, Padina boryana, as a Biomonitor of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine Waters: A Preliminary AssessmentWERI Technical Report. 34 pp.Schaible, B.C. and G.R.W. Denton2013
Caves and Karst Hydrology of the Mariana IslandCoastal Karst Landforms. Lace, M.J. and Mylroie, J.E. Dordrecht, Springer. 5: 277-298Stafford, K.W., Taboroši, D. and Jenson, J.W.2013
Field observations of coastal discharge from an uplifted carbonate island aquifer, northern Guam, Mariana Islands: A descriptive geomorphic and hydrogeologic perspectiveJournal of Coastal Research, v. 29, no. 4, p. 926-943Taborosi, D., Jenson, J.W., and Mylroie, J.E.2013
VADOCHARGE-N: a Vadose Flow and N-Transport Simulation Model for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer (in review)2013 International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Mapúa Institute of Technology, Intramuros, Manila, PhilippinesHabana, N.C., Salvacion, J.L., Jenson, J.W., and J.D. Rouse2013
Utility of the Brown Alga, Padina boryana, as a Biomonitor for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine Waters: A Preliminary AssessmentWERI Technical Report. 34 pp.Schaible, B.C. and G.R.W. Denton2013
Analysis of Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer (in review)In: Savarese, M., Glumac, B. (Eds.), 16th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Similar Regions, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, BahamasSimard, C.A., Jenson, J.W., Lander, M.A.2013
Watershed Management: Ugum and Piti-Asan WatershedsPresented at 27th Pacific Islands Environment Conference, Guam, June 26-28, 2013Sh. Khosrowpanah2013
VADOCHARGE-N: Deep Karst Vadose Flow and N Transport Simulation Model for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer27th Pacific Islands Environment Conference, Tumon, 26-28 June. Guam EPA:, N.C., J.W.L. Salvacion, J.W. Jenson, J.D. Rouse, and L.F. Heitz2013
New Insights and Questions from Exploratory Drilling in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer16th Symposium of the Geolgy of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, BahamasJenson, J., Roff, D., Bendixson, V., Hylton, T., Simard, C.2012
Continuing Calibration and Application of Luom in the Southern Guam Watersheds Not Covered in the Preceding ProjectWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 131, 68 pp.Luo, Q.C., Khosrowpanah, S.2012
Evidence of the Sea-level Change Since MIS 5e on GuamTropical West Pacific, NSF Workshop: Sea Level Changes Into MIS 5: From Observations to Predictions, April 10-14, 2012, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca, SpainMiklavič, B., Mylroie, J.E., Jenson, J.W., Randall, R.H., Banner, J.L., Partin, J.W.2012
Denudation of Eogenetic Limestone During the Last Glacial Cycle in a Tropical Environment20th International Karstological School “Classical Karst”, Karst forms and Processes; 18th to 23rd June, 2012; Karst Research Institute, Postojna, SloveniaMiklavič, B., Mylroie, J.E., Jenson, J.W., Randall, R.H., Zabukovec Logar, N., Taboroši, D.2012
Relationship between Modern Rainfall Variability, Cave Dripwater and Stalagmite Geochemistry in Guam, USA Geochemisty, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 (3): 1-17Partin, J.W., Jenson, J.W., Banner, J.L.,. Quinn, T.M.,. Taylor, F.W., Sinclair, D., Hardt, B. Lander, M.A., Bell, T., Miklavič, B.,. Jocson, J.M.U., and Taboroši, T.2012
Magnesium and Strontium Systematics in Tropical Speleothems from the Western Pacific Chemical Geology, v 294-295: 1-17Sinclair, D., Banner, J.L., Taylor, F.W., Partin, J.W., Jenson, J.W., Mylroie, J.E., Goddard, E., Quinn, T.M., Jocson, J.M.J., and Miklavič, B. 2012
Analysis of Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, MS Thesis, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 84 pp.Simard, C.A.2012
Salinity Trends in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer16th Symposium of the Geolgy of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, BahamasSimard, C., Jenson, J.W., Lander, M.A.2012
Pneumatic Underwater Drill for Extracting Coral CoresWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 135: 18 pp.Bell, T., Endo, T., Jenson, J.W., Bell, R., and Lander, M.A. 2011
Coral and Speleothem in situ Monitoring and Geochemical Analysis: Guam, Mariana Islands, USAWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 136: 70 pp.Bell, T., Jenson, J.W., Lander, M.A., Randall, R.H., Partin, J.W., Hardt, B.F., and Banner, J.L. 2011
A Retrospective Analysis of Water Quality Data for Chemicals of Concern in Guam’s Groundwater: Emerging Trends and Future ConcernsAbstract, 14-16 November, Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, National Institutes for Water Resources, Honolulu, HI.Denton, G.R.W. and Sian-Denton, C.M.2011
Vadose Flow in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Water Resources Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsAbstract, 14-16 November, Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, National Institutes for Water Resources, Honolulu, HI.Jenson, J.W., Lander, M.A., Randall, R.H.
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Badlands in Southern Guam: A Case Study of Selected SitesWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 133, 90 pp.Kottermair, M., Golabi, M., Khosrowpanah S. and Wen, Y.2011
Relationship between Rainfall Variability, Cave Dripwater and Stalagmite Geochemistry in Guam, USAEarth and Planetary Science Letters (in press)Partin, J.W., Jenson, J.W., Banner, J.L., Quinn, T.M., Taylor, F.W., Sinclair, D., Lander, M.A., Bell, T., Miklavič, B., Jocson, J.M.U., Hardt, B., and Taboroši, D.2011
Magnesium and Strontium Systematics in Tropical Speleothems from the Western PacificChemical Geology (in press)Sinclair, D., Banner, J.L., Taylor, F.W., Partin, J.W., Jenson, J.W., Mylroie, J.E., Goddard, E., Quinn, T.M., Jocson, J.M.U., and Miklavič, B.2011
Magnesium and Strontium Systematics in West PacificSpeleothems Quatenary Science Reviews (in press)Sinclair, D., Banner, J.L., Taylor, F.W., Partin, J.W., Jenson, J.W., Mylroie, J.E., Goddard, E., Quinn, T.M., and Jocson, J.M.U.2011
Impacts of Human Activities on Groundwater Quality in Guam, Mariana IslandsInternational Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7 (5): 243-256Wen, Y.2011
Land Cover Change of Watersheds in Southern Guam from 1973 to 2001Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 179 (1-4): 521–529 (DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1760-5)Wen, Y., Khosrowpanah, S., and Heitz, L.2011
Application of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data for Land Cover Change Detection in Guam, USAProceedings of the 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, June 24-26, 2011, Shanghai, China, published in IEEE Xplore in August, 2011 (DOI: 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5981058, and Print ISBN:978-1-61284-849-5)Wen, Y.2011
Groundwater Monitoring on Guam (2010): Management Responses to Recent Water Quality ViolationsJournal of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Spring 2010: 127-133Denton, G.R.W. and Sian-Denton C.M.2010
Background Fluorescence in Guam’s Coastal WatersProceedings American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 2010 International Specialty Conference & 8th Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress on Tropical Hydrology and Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing Climate, August 30 – September 1, 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico. American Water Resources Association.Hoffman, S.M., J.W. Jenson, G.R.W. Denton, D.C. Moran and L.L. Vacher 2010
Spatial Distribution of Badlands in the Ugum Watershed: Characterization and Temporal AnalysisWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 126: 29 ppKhosrowpanah, S., Y. Wen, and M. Kottermair2010
Developing the LUOM in Southern Guam WatershedsProceedings of 4th International Workshop on Catchment-Scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation, Lhasa, China, 21-23 July 2010Luo, Q.C. and S. Khosrowpanah2010
Calibration and Application of LUOM in Southern Guam Watersheds With and Without Flow DataWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 128: 87Luo, Q.C., and S. Khosrowpanah2010
Interglacial Limestone and its Geomorphic Features on Guam: Implications for Relative Sea Level Changend Flank Margin Cave FormationIn: Gamble, D.W., ed., 15th Symposium of the Geolgy of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions: Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, Bahamas (in press)Miklavič, B., Mylroie, J.E., Jenson, J.W., Randall, R.H., Banner, J.L., and Partin, J.W.2010
Land Cover Change of Coastal Watersheds in Southern Guam from 1973 to 2001Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (in press)Wen, Y.2010
Vadose Flow Synthesis for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report, No. 127: 223 pp.Habana, N., L.F. Heitz, A.E. Olsen and J.W Jenson2009
Developing the LUOM in southern Guam watersheds without flow dataProceedings of AWRA 2009 Annual Water Resources Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 9-12, 2009Luo, Q. C. and S. Khosrowpanah2009
The Post-1997 El Niño Sea-Level Highstand in Micronesia: A Bona Fide Climatic “Hockey Stick” (in prep)Lander, M.A. and Jenson, J.W.2009
Speleothem Evidence for Global Changes in Atmospheric Circulation During the Early-Mid HoloceneQuaternary Science Reviews. (in review)Sinclair, D.J., Taylor, F.W., Banner, J.L., Jenson, J.W., Mylroie, J.E., Goddard, E. and Quinn, T.M.2009
Impact of a Rudimentary Landfill on the Trace Metal Status of Pago Bay, GuamMarine Pollution Bulletin, 58: 150-162Denton, G.R.W. and R.J. Morrison2008
Solid Waste Disposal on Guam: Impact of an Unsanitary Landfill on the Heavy Metal Status of Adjacent Community RepresentativesIn: Wang, Y. et al. (Eds.). Progress in Environmental Science and Technology, vol 1. Science Press, Beijing, pp 1169-1176Denton, G.R.W., M.C. Olsen and Y. Wen2007
A Qualitative Baseline Study of Background Fluorescence in Guam’s GroundwaterWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report 57 pp.Hoffman, S.M., J.W. Jenson, D. Moran, G.R.W Denton, H.R. Wood and L. Vacher2007
Developing a GIS-Based Soil Erosion Potential Model of the Ugum WatershedWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 117. 98 ppKhosrowpanah, S., L.F. Heitz, Y. Wen and M. Park2007
Analysis of the Dynamic Responses of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer to Sea Level Change and RechargeWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 118, 47 pp.Wuerch, H.V., B.C. Cruz, A.E. Olsen2007
Impact of Metal Enriched leachate from Ordot Dump on the Heavy Metal Status of Biotic and Abiotic Components in Pago BayWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 113, 63 pp.Denton, G.R.W., W.C. Kelly III, H.R. Wood and Y. Wen2006
Karst features of Guam, Mariana Island, Micronesica, 38: 17-46Taboroši, D., J.W. Jenson J.E. Mylroie2006
Environmental Assessment for Non-Point Sources of Pollution for Ugum WatershedWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 109, 53 pp.Khosrowpanah, S. and J. Jocson2005
Karst of the Mariana Islands: The Interaction of Tectonics, Glacio-eustasy and Fresh-water/Sea-water mixing in Island CarbonatesGSA Special Paper 404. Proceedings of the Geological Society of America, pp. 129-138Jenson, J.W., T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.R. Mylroie, K.W. Stafford, D. Taboroši, and C. Wexel2004
Karst features of Guam, Mariana IslandWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 104, 26 pp.Taboroši, D., J.W. Jenson and J.E. Mylroie2004
Karren Features in Island Karst: Guam, Mariana IslandsZeischrift fur Geomopholigie, 48: 369-389Taboroši, D., J.W. Jenson and J.E. Mylroie2004
Dye Trace of Groundwater Flow from Guam International Airport and Harmon Sink to Agana Bay and Tumon Bay, GuamWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 97, 32 pp.Moran, D. C. and J.W. Jenson2004
The Use of Water Temperature to Characterize Groundwater Discharge of a Coastal Fracture on Guam, U.S.A.Journal of Coastal Research, 19: 462-471Gamble, D. W., D. Taboroši, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson, J.L. Carew, J.M.U. Jocson, J.R. Mylroie and D.T. Vann2003
Chloride History and Trends of Water Production Wells in the Northern Guam AquiferWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 98, 64 pp.Quenga McDonald, M. and J.W. Jenson2003
Zones of Enhanced Dissolution and Associated Cave Morphology in an Uplifted Carbonate Island Karst Aquifer, Northern Guam, Mariana IslandsSpeleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers, 1: (4), 16 pp.Taboroši, D., J.W. Jenson and J.E. Mylroie2003
Recharge and Aquifer Response: Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Guam, Mariana IslandsJournal of Hydrology, 260: 231-254Jocson, J.M.U., J.W. Jenson and D.N. Contractor2002
Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentrations in the Northern Guam Lens and Potential Nitrogen SourcesWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 95, 37 pp.Quenga McDonald, M.2002
Responses of Well Water Levels on Northern Guam to Variations of Rainfall and Sea LevelWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 94, 36 pp.Lander, M.A., J.W. Jenson and C. Beausoliel2001
Karst Features of GuamJournal of Cave and Karst Studies, 63: 9-22.2001
Simulated Effect of Vadose Infiltration on Water Levels in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 90, 18 pp.Contractor, D.N. and J.W. Jenson1999
Numerical Modeling and Field Investigations of Infiltration, Recharge, and Discharge in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No.88, 22 pp.Jocson, J.M.U., J.W. Jenson, and D.N. Contractor1999
Karst Geology and Hydrology of Guam: A Preliminary ReportWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 89, 32 pp.Mylroie, J.L. and J.W. Jenson, J.M.U. Jocson and M.A. Lander1999
Hydrologic Data Collection for GuamWater and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report No. 83, 46 pp.Jenson, J.W. and J.M.U. Jocson1998

WERI Collection of Recommended Reports

No.AuthorYearTitlePub IDAgency
1J.F. Mink1976Groundwater Resources of Guam: Occurrence and DevelopmentWERI TR 1WERI
2R.A. Stephenson1979Freshwater Use Customs on Guam: An Exploratory StudyWERI TR 8WERI
3BCG and J.F. Mink1992Groundwater in Northern Guam Sustainable Yield and Ground Water Development, Final Engineering ReportPUAG 1PUAG
4T.W. Hylton2012Guam Water Resources Management ReviewUSN 1USN
5S.B. Gingerich2003Hydrologic Resources of GuamWRIR 03-4126USGS
6J.F. Mink and Yuen, Inc.2004Assessment of Viability of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources for the Guam Water Authority Water Resrouces Master PlanGWA WRMP 1GWA
7BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management AlternativesNGLS 2GEPA
8BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management ProgramNGLS 1GEPA
9BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield ReportNGLS 3GEPA
10BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield Report, Appendix A Data ReportNGLS 4GEPA
11J.B. Branch, J.F. Mink, J. Worlund, BHA, CDM1982Summary Report Northern Guam Lens StudyNGLS 5GEPA
12GWA2007Water Resources Master Plan: Volume 1 - General Overview; Volume 2 - Drinking Water; Volume 3 - WastewaterWRMP 1 2 3GWA
13J.I. Tracey, S.O. Schlanger, J.T. Stark, D.B. Doan, and H.G. May1964General Geology of GuamUSGS 403AUSDOI, USGS
14US Department of the Interior Geological Survey1985Mapping of a Buried Surface beneath Limestone in Agat, Territory of Guam using Electromagnetic profiling techniquesOpen-File Report 85-124USDOI, USGS
15L.F. Heitz2012Water Treatment Assessments and Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water Determinations for GWA Wells Located in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer GWA GWUDI 2012WERI
16US Government1976Federal Register 1976: Vol. 43 - No. 81, pp. 17797-17933 (Excerpt) Federal Register 1976: Vol. 43 - No. 81, pp. 17797-17933US Government

Northern Guam Lens Study (1982)

AuthorYearTitlePub IDKey Words
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management ProgramNGLS 1Groundwater management program, Northern Guam Lens Study
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982GWMP Appendix D Laws, Regulations, and Agreements ManualNGLS 1.4Laws, Regulations, Agreements
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Groundwater Management AlternativesNGLS 2Groundwater management alternatives, Northern Guam Lens Study
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield ReportNGLS 3Aquifer Yield, Northern Guam Lens Study
BHA & Assoc., Inc., CDM, Inc.1982Aquifer Yield Report, Appendix A Data ReportNGLS 4Aquifer Yield, Northern Guam Lens Study, Data
J.B. Branch, J.F. Mink, J. Worlund, BHA, CDM1982Summary Report Northern Guam Lens StudyNGLS 5Summary report, Northern Guam Lens Study

WERI Technical Reports

These technical reports are also available on the WERI website. To view them on the WERI website, click here

AuthorYearTitleAgencyPub IDSubjectRegionKey Words
183A. Maruzzo, Y.S. Kim, H. Yelin2024Trends in Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, 2015–2020, Southern Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 183PFAS, PFOS, Saipan, AFFF-impacted groundwater, groundwater transportGuamPFAS, PFOS, Saipan, AFFF-impacted groundwater, groundwater transport
182H. Ko, Y. Wen, J. Jenson2024Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Hagatna BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 182Geospatial and Temporal Analysis, Salinity, Hagatna BasinGuamGeospatial and Temporal Analysis, Salinity, Hagatna Basin
181N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, D.K. Valerio2023MAppFx: Southern Guam
Ugum Watershed Streamflow Duration Curves
WERI UOGWERI TR 181Southern Guam, Ugum Watershed, Streamflow Duration CurvesGuamWERI MAppFx, data visualization, online information transfer, Southern Guam, Ugum Watershed, flow variability, streamflow duration curve analysis, web application
180D.K. Valerio, M.W. Zapata, N.C. Habana2023MAppFx: Production Well Nitrates
Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
WERI UOGWERI TR 180Production Well Nitrates, Northern Guam Lens AquiferGuamWERI MAppFx, data visualization, online information transfer, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, nitrates, web application
178H. Ko, Y. Wen, J. Jenson2023Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends in Salinity in Yigo-Tumon BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 178
Geospatial and Temporal Analysis, Salinity Trends, Yigo-Tumon BasinGuamGeospatial analysis, Spatial analysis, Yigo-Tumon Basin, Salinity, NGLA
177H. Ko, Y. Wen, J. Jenson2022Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Finegayan BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 177SalinityGuamGeospatial analysis, Spatial analysis, Finegayan Basin, Salinity, Groundwater, Chloride concentration, NGLA
176M.J.Z. Villareal, J.W. Jenson, R.P. King, E.L. Aban2022Hydrogeological Characterization of a High-Discharge Coastal Freshwater Karst Spring SystemWERI UOGWERI TR 176HydrogeologyGuamCarbonate island karst, flank margin cave, submarine groundwater discharge, fault hydrogeology
175N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, D.K. Valerio2022Surface Hydrology of the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 175Surface Hydrology, Northern Guam Lens AquiferGuamNorthern Guam Lens Aquifer, Surface Hydrology, Plateau Basin, Watershed, Fill, Runoff, WERI Web MApps
174L. Liu, Y.S. Kim, Y. Wen, J. D. Rouse2021Effects of Seawater on Nitrification in a Biofilm Treatment Process WERI UOGWERI TR 174Nitrification, Wastewater Treatment ProcessGuamNitrification, Seawater, Salinity, Wastewater Treatment Process, Bioreactor
173B. Miklavič, J. W. Jenson, J. E. Mylroie, R. H. Randall, J. L. Banner, J. W. Partin, N. Zabukovec Logar2021Field Evidence for Relative Sea-Level Change and Denudation on Northern Guam, Mariana Islands WERI UOGWERI TR 173Karst HydrologyGuamKarst, Karst Hydrology, Flank Margin Cave, Sea-Level Change, Denudation
172P. Bourke, J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, M.A. Lander2020A Hydrogeologic Survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: Engineering and Design Recommendations for Rehabilitation WERI UOGWERI TR 172HydrogeologyGuamKarst, hydrogeologic, spring, watershed, modeling, engineering hydrology
171N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, M. Ziobro2020Development of a GIS Based Imagery Database for Groundwater Recharge Areas and Key Reaches of Streams on Guam Phase II WERI UOGWERI TR 171GISGuamLIDAR, Mapping, Recharge
170D.V.G. Superales, N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson2019Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 170Water ResourceGuamNGLA, Parabasal Zone, Modeling
169N.C. Habana, L.F. Heitz, M. Ziobro2019Development of a GIS Based Imagery Database for Groundwater Recharge Areas and Key Reaches of Streams on GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 169GISGuamLIDAR, Mapping, Recharge
168B. Dougher, N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, K. Ho, G.C. Aguilar2019Dynamic Response of the Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in Recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon BasinWERI UOGWERI TR 168Water ResourceGuamlens thickness, Yigo-Tumon Basin, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, rainfall
167G.R.W. Denton, J.O. Cruz, Y.S. Kim2019Stormwater Discharges from Wetlands in American Memorial Park, Saipan: Impact on Fish Mercury Levels in Receiving WatersWERI UOGWERI TR 167Wetlands, Mercury, Saipan
164L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah, M. Lander, B. Whitman2017Enhancement of Duration Curve Predictions in South Guam Using Short Time Low Flow MeasurementsWERI UOGWERI TR 164GuamWater Resource, Guam
163K.K. Bautista, J.W. Jenson, M. Lander, T. Righetti2018Vadose Hydrology at Jinapsan Cave, Northern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 163GuamHydrology, Cave, NGLA, Guam
162G.R.W. Denton, J.O. Cruz, M.N.C. Dueñas, M.J. Gawel, J.S. Mills, K.G. Brookins2018Heavy Metal Assessment of Sediments and Selected Biota from American Memorial Park Nearshore Waters, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)WERI UOGWERI TR 162SaipanHeavy metals, sediment, CNMI Saipan
161J.D. Rouse2016Biofilm Pilot Study for Sewage Treatment with Composting of Waste Sludge on YapWERI UOGWERI TR 161WastewaterYap, FSMBiofilm, Sewage Treatment, Sludge, Yap
160M.T. Nadeau, G.R.W. Denton2016Nutrient Assessment of Togcha River, Estuary & Bay: Use of Dominant Sedimentary Phosphorus (P) Fractions to Identify Anthropogenic P Contributions & Potential ImpactsWERI UOGWERI TR 160ContaminantGuamSediment, Phosphorus, Guam, Contaminant
159J.H. Martinez, J.D. Rouse, Y. Wen, D.H. Rubinstein2015Management of Fat, Oil, and Grease on GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 159ContaminantGuamFat, Oil, Grease, Contaminant, Guam
158A. Beikmann, R. Bailey, J.W. Jenson,M. Kottermair, D. Taborosi, V. Bendixson,M. Flowers,A. Jalandoni, B. Miklavic,W. Whitman2016A Modeling Study of Freshwater Resources for Selected Atolls of Yap State, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 158Water ResourceYap, FSMRainwater, Groundwater, Modeling, Yap, FSM
157M. Kottermair, D. Taborosi, J.W. Jenson2016A Field Study of Freshwater Resources on Ifalik and Eauripik Atolls, Yap State, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 157Water ResourceYap, FSMRainwater, Groundwater, Yap, FSM
156S. Khosrowpanah, M.A. Lander, J.D. Rouse, B. Whitman2015Assessment of Turbidity in the Geus River Watershed in Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 156Water QualityGuamWatershed, Guam, Turbidity, Water Quality
155C.D. Wallace, R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson2015Atoll Island Freshwater Resources: Modeling, Analysis, and OptimizationWERI UOGWERI TR 155Water ResourceAtollWater Resource, Freshwater, Modeling,
154 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2015Prediction of Flow Duration Curves at Ungaged Sites in GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 154Water SupplyGuamStreamflow, GIS, Water Supply, Guam
153J.D. Rouse2015Development of Environmentally Sustainable Methods for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Handling of Sewage Sludge on Yap IslandWERI UOGWERI TR 153WastewaterYap, FSMWastewater, Yap, Sewage Sludge
152A.L. McCutcheon, L.J. Raymundo, J.W. Jenson, N.G. Prouty, M.A. Lander, R.H. Randall2015Testing the Strontium/Calcium Proxy for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Coral Porites Lutea in Guam, MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 152ClimatologyGuamClimatology, Corals, Strontium, Calcium, Guam
151P.M. Welch, P.J. Schupp, G.R.W. Denton2015Utility of the Soft Coral, Sinularia polydactyla as a Biomonitor of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine Waters: A Preliminary AssessmentWERI UOGWERI TR 151ContaminantGuamBio monitor, PCBs, Organic Contaminant, Guam
149Y. Wen, D. Chambers2014Land Cover Change Detection in SaipanWERI UOGWERI TR 149GISSaipanLand Cover Change, GIS, GPS, Saipan
148 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2014Improving the Pohnpei Island Water Distribution System Using Hydraulic Modeling and Geographic Information SystemsWERI UOGWERI TR 148Water SupplyPohnpei Islands, FSMWater Supply, Pohnpei, Hydraulic Modeling, GIS
147J.D. Rouse2013Inventory and Assessment of Existing Sewage Treatment Facilities and Excess Sludge Handling Practices in the Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 147WastewaterFSMWastewater, Treatment, FSM
146L. Muller, J.D. Rouse, S.hahram Khosrowpanah, P.E.2013GIS-Based Screening for Cumulative and Secondary Impacts from Development Projects in Northern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 146GeologyGuamGeodatabase, GIS, Guam
145S. Khosrowpanah, D. Taborosi2013Digital Atlas of Southern Guam WERI UOGWERI TR 145GISGuamWeb Development, Guam, Natural Resource
144G.R.W. Denton, B.C. Schaible2013Utility of the Brown Alga, Padina boryana as a Biomonitor of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Tropical Marine Waters: A Preliminary InvestigationWERI UOGWERI TR 144ContaminantGuamPCBs, Organic Contaminant, Alga, Bio monitor, Gaum
143C.A. Simard, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, .R.M. Manzanilla, D.G. Superales, N.C. Habana2015Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 143GroundwaterGuamNGLA, Groundwater, Salinity, Guam
142D.T. Vann, V.M. Bendixson, D.F. Roff, C.A. Simard, R.M. Schumann, N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson2014Topography of the Basement Rock beneath the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and its Implications for Groundwater Exploration and DevelopmentWERI UOGWERI TR 142GroundwaterGaumNGLA, Topography, groundwater, Guam
141V.M. Bendixson2013The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer DatabaseWERI UOGWERI TR 141GroundwaterGuamNGLA., Guam, Database, Well, Groundwater, Guam
140S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2013Improving the Weno, Chuuk Water Distribution System Using Hydraulic Modeling and Geographic Information SystemsWERI UOGWERI TR 140Water SupplyChuukHydraulic Modeling, GIS, Water Distribution, Chuuk
139S. Khosrowpanah, M. Lander, M. Golabi, S. Manibusan2012A GIS Based- Watershed Management Plan for the Piti-Asan WatershedsWERI UOGWERI TR 139Water SupplyGuamGIS, Guam, watershed, Management, Water Supply
138M. Kottermair2012 Piti-Asan Watershed Management PlanWERI UOGWERI TR 138Water SupplyGuamWatershed, Management, Water Supply, Guam
137 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2012Prediction of Flow Duration Curves for Use in Hydropower Analysis at Ungaged Sites in Kosrae, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 137EnergyKosraeHydropower, Streamflow, Energy, Kosrae, FSM
136T. Bell, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, R.H. Randall, J.W. Partin, B. Hardt, J.L. Banner2011Coral and Speleothem in situ Monitoring and Geochemical Analysis: Guam, Mariana Islands, USAWERI UOGWERI TR 136GeologyGuamGeology, hydrology, Climate, Coral Cores, Guam
135T. Bell, T. Endo, J.W. Jenson, R.F. Bell, M.A. Lander2011Pneumatic Underwater Drill for Extracting Coral CoresWERI UOGWERI TR 135ClimatologyGuamCoral Cores, Drill, Geochemistry, Climatology
134R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson2011Groundwater Resources Analysis of Atoll Islands in the Federated States of Micronesia Using an Algebraic ModelWERI UOGWERI TR 134GroundwaterAtoll, FSMWater Resource, Groundwater, Hydrology, Model, Atoll
133M. Kottermair, M.H. Golabi, S. Khosrowpanah, Y. Wen2011Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Badlands in Southern Guam: A Case Study of Selected SitesWERI UOGWERI TR 133GISGuamSoil Erosion, GIS, Guam
132 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2011Development of a Geographic Information System for the Commonwealth Utility Corporation, Saipan Water Distribution SystemWERI UOGWERI TR 132GISSaipanGIS, Saipan
131Q.C. Luo, S. Khosrowpanah2012Continuing Calibration and Application of LUOM in the Southern Guam WatershedsWERI UOGWERI TR 131Water QualityGuamWatershed, Streamflow, GIS, Guam
130G.R.W. Denton, M.S. Trianni, M.C. Tenorio2010Impact of Land-Based Sources of Pollution on Coastal Water Quality of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI): Arsenic, Mercury and PCBs in Popular Table Fish from Saipan LagoonWERI UOGWERI TR 130ContaminantSaipanPollution, Water Quality, Heavy Metal, Organic Contaminant, Saipan
129 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah2010Prediction of Flow Duration Curves for Use in Hydropower Analysis at Ungaged Sites in Pohnpei, FSMWERI UOGWERI TR 129EnergyPohnpei Islands, FSMHydropower, Streamflow, Energy, Pohnpei, FSM
128Q.C. Luo, S. Khosrowpanah2010Calibration and Application of LUOM in Southern Guam Watersheds with and without Flow DataWERI UOGWERI TR 128Water QualityGuamWatershed, Streamflow, GIS, Guam
127N. Habana, L.F. Heitz, A.E. Olsen, J.W. Jenson2009Vadose Flow Synthesis for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 127GroundwaterGuamNGLA. Vadose Flow, Water Quality, Groundwater, Guam
126S. Khosrowpanah, Y. Wen, M. Kottermair2010Spatial Distribution of Badlands in the Ugum Watershed: Characterization and Temporal AnalysisWERI UOGWERI TR 126Water QualityUgum, GuamSoil Erosion, Stream, Water Quality, Ugum, Guam
125Y. Wen, S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2009Land Cover Assessment for Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 125GISGuamGIS, Land cover change, Guam
124Y. Wen, S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2009Watershed Land Cover Change in GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 124GISGuamGIS, Land cover change, Guam
123G.R.W. Denton, B.G. Bearden, P. Houk, J.A. Starmer, H.R. Wood2008Heavy Metals in Biotic Representatives from the Intertidal Zone and Nearshore Waters of Tanapag Lagoon, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)WERI UOGWERI TR 123ContaminantSaipanContaminant Transport, Sediment, Saipan, Heavy Metal
122 L.F. Heitz, S. Khosrowpanah, M. Inglecias2008Development of Junction Water Demands for the Saipan Water Distribution System Numerical ModelWERI UOGWERI TR 122Water SupplySaipanWater Supply, Modeling, Saipan
121S.M. Hoffman, J.W. Jenson, D.C. Moran, G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood, H.L. Vacher2007Background Fluorescence in Guam's Coastal WatersWERI UOGWERI TR 121GroundwaterGuamFluorescent Dye, Karst, groundwater flow, Guam
120R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson, D. Rubinstein, A.E Olsen2008An Atoll Freshwater Lens Algebraic Model for Groundwater Management in the Caroline IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 120GroundwaterAtollGroundwater, Modeling, Atoll
119R.T. Bailey, J.W. Jenson, D. Rubinstein, A.E Olsen2008Groundwater Resources of Atoll Islands: Observations, Modeling, and ManagementWERI UOGWERI TR 119GroundwaterAtollGroundwater, Modeling, Atoll
118H.V. Wuerch, B.C. Cruz, A.E. Olsen2007Analysis of the Dynamic Response of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer to Sea Level Change and RechargeWERI UOGWERI TR 118GroundwaterGuamNGLA, Sea Level, Recharge, Climate, Guam
117S. Khosrowpanah, L. F. Heitz, Y. Wen, M. Park2007Developing a GIS-Based Soil Erosion Potential Model of the UGUM WatershedWERI UOGWERI TR 117GeologyUgum, GuamGuam, Ugum Watershed, Soil erosion, GIS Modeling, Rainfall, Stream flow
116S. Khosrowpanah, Y. Wen, J. Jocson, D. Taborosi2008Natural Resources Atlas of Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 116GISGuamWeb Development, Guam, Natural Resource
115M.V. Krishnapillai, T. Scheidt, C. Fillme2006Qualitative Examination of Groundwater from Yap and some of its Neighboring IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 115GroundwaterYap, FSMWater Quality, Groundwater, Training
114T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2007A Preliminary Report on the Sabana Watershed/Talakhaya Springs System Rota (Luta), CNMIWERI UOGWERI TR 114Watershed, SpringRota, Mariana IslandsMariana Islands, Rota, island karst, caves, spring, watershed, Hydrology
113G.R.W. Denton, W.C. Kelly III, H.R. Wood, y. Wen2006Impact of Metal Enriched Leachate from Ordot Dump on the Heavy Metal Status of Biotic and Abiotic Components in Pago BayWater Resource Analysis of Fais Island, Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 113Contaminant TransportPago Bay, Guam Heavy Metal, River, Sediment, Pago Bay, Guam
112D. Taborosi2006Karst Inventory of Guam Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 112HydrogeologyGuam, Mariana IslandsKarst, Cave, Spring, Guam, Mariana Islands
111R.S. MacCracken, J.W. Jenson, L.F. Heitz, D.H. Rubinstein, J.E. Mylroie2007Water Resource Analysis of Fais Island, Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 111HydrogeologyFais, Federated States of MicronesiaRainwater, Geology, Cave, Freshwater, Fais, FSM
110G.R.W. Denton, C.M. Sian-Denton, L.P. Concepcion, H.R Wood2005Nutrient Status of Tumon Bay in Relation to Intertidal Blooms of the Filamentous Green Alga, Enteromorpha ClathrataWERI UOGWERI TR 110MicroorganismTumon, GuamNutrient, Tumon, Green Alga, Groundwater, Guam
109S. Khosrowpanah, J. Jocson2005Environmental Assessment for Non-Point Sources of Pollution for Ugum WatershedWERI UOGWERI TR 109Contaminant TransportUgum, GuamWatershed, Water Quality, Ugum, Guam, Non-point Source, Sediment
108G.R.W. Denton, M.H. Golabi, C. Iyekar, H.R. Wood, Y. Wen2005Mobilization of Aqueous Contaminants Leached from Ordot Landfill in Surface and Subsurface FlowsWERI UOGWERI TR 108Contaminant TransportOrdot, GuamLandfill, Contaminant, Leachate, Bacteria, Heavy Metals, Ordot, Guam
107T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2005The Caves and Karst of Rota Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 107HydrogeologyRota, Mariana IslandsKarst, Cave, Rota, Mixing dissolution, Island Karst Model
106K.W. Stafford, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2004Karst Geology of Aguijan and Tinian,CNMI Cave Inventory and Structural Analysis of DevelopmentWERI UOGWERI TR 106GeologyTinian, CNMIKarst, Geology, Cave, Tinian, CNMI
105T.M. Keel, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2004Preliminary Report on the Caves and Karst of ROTA (LUTA), CNMIWERI UOGWERI TR 105HydrogeologyRota, Mariana IslandsKarst, Cave, Rota, Mixing dissolution, water lens
104D. Taborosi, J.W. Jenson, J.E. Mylroie2004Karst Features of Guam,Mariana IslandsWERI UOGWERI TR 104HydrogeologyGuam, Mariana IslandsKarst, Mariana Islands, Limestone, Island Karst Model
103M.A. Lander2004Rainfall Climatology for Saipan: Distribution, Return-periods, El Nino, Tropical Cyclones, and Long-term VariationsWERI UOGWERI TR 103ClimatologyGuamRainfall Climatology, Guam
102M.A. Lander, C.P. Guard2003Creation of a 50-Year Rainfall Database, Annual Rainfall Climatology, and Annual Rainfall Distribution Map for GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 102ClimatologyGuamRainfall Climatology, Guam
101S. Khosrowpanah, L. Heitz2003Slow Sand Filter Conceptual Design for the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)WERI UOGWERI TR 101Water SupplyPohnpei Islands, FSMSand Filter, Disease, Pohnpei Islands, FSM
100M.A. Lander, S. Khosrowpanah2004Rainfall Climatology for Pohnpei Islands, Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 100ClimatologyPohnpei Islands, FSMRainfall Climatology, Pohnpei Islands, FSM
99 N. Scheman, S. Khosrowpanah, M. Gollabi, L. Heitz2002Identification of Erosion Processes and Sources of Exposed Patches in the LA SAFUA Watershed of Southern GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 99HydrogeologyGuamErosion, Modeling, Sediment Loss
98 M.Q. McDonald, J.W. Jenson2003Chloride History and Trends of Water Production Wells in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 98Water QualityGuamChloride, Water Production, NGLA, Guam
97D.C. Moran, J.W. Jenson2004Dye Trace of Groundwater Flow from Guam Internation Airport and Harmon Sink to Agana Bay and Tumon Bay, GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 97GroundwaterGuam NGLAGroundwater, Dye Trace, Harmon Sink, Guam
96 K.W. Stafford, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson2002Karst Geology and Hrdrology of Tinian and Rota(Luta), CNMIWERI UOGWERI TR 96HydrogeologyTinian, Rota, CNMIKarst Geology, Hydrology, Tinian, Rota, CNMI
95M.Q. McDonald2002Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentrations in the Northern Guam Lens and Potential Nitrogen SourcesWERI UOGWERI TR 95Water QualityGuamNGLA, Nitrogen, Guam
WIB 3 L.F. Heitz, N.C. Habana, J.A. Raza2001Designing Your Rainwater Catchment and Storage SystemWERI UOGWIB 3Water SupplyGuamRainwater Catchment, Storage, Guam
94 M.A. Lander, J.W. Jenson, C. Beausoliel2001Responses of Well Water Levels on Northern Guam to Variations of Rainfall and Sea LevelWERI UOGWERI TR 94GroundwaterGuamWell, Rainfall, Sea Level, Groundwater, Guam
93 G.R.W. Denton, B.G. Bearden, L.P. Concepcion, H.G. Siegrist, D.T. Vann, H.R. Wood2001Contaminant Assessment of Surface Sediments from Tanapag Lagoon, SaipanWERI UOGWERI TR 93Contaminant TransportSaipanContaminant Transport, Sediment, Saipan, Heavy Metal, Organic Contaminant
92 S. Khosrowpanah, L.F. Heitz2001Rainfall Erosivity Factors (R-Factors) for Selected Islands in the Federated States of MicronesiaWERI UOGWERI TR 92Water QualityFSMRainfall, FSM, Soil Erosion, Contaminant, Water Quality
91 S. Khosrowpanah, L. Heitz, C.G. Beausoliel2001The Application of Slow Sand Filtration Technology for Kosrae State The Federated States of Micronesia: A Pliot ProjectWERI UOGWERI TR 91BWater QualityKosrae, FSMSurface Water, Sand Filter, Water Quality, Kosrae, FSM
91 D. Taborosi, S. Khosrowpanah2000Environmental Impact Statement Inarajan River Dam ProjectWERI UOGWERI TR 91AWater SupplyGuamInarajan River, Dam, Environmental Impact, Water Supply, Guam
WIB 2L.F. Heitz1999Designing Your Rainwater Catchment and Storage SystemWERI UOGWIB 2Water SupplyGuamRainwater Catchment, Storage, Guam
90D.N Contractor, J.W. Jenson1999Simulated Effect of Vadose Infiltration on Water Levels in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 90HydrologyGuamNGLA , Modeling, Hydrology, Guam
89J.L. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson, J.M.U. Jocson, M.A. Lander1999Karst Geology and Hydrology of GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 89HydrogeologyGuamKarst, Geology, Hydrology, Guam
88 J.M.U. Jocson, J.W. Jenson, D.N. Contractor1999Numerical Modeling and Field Investigation of Infiltration, Recharge, and Discharge in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferWERI UOGWERI TR 88GroundwaterGuamModeling, NGLA, Recharge, Discharge,
87 G.R.W. Denton, L.P. Concepcion, H.R. Wood1999Heavy Metals, PCBs, and PAHs in Marine Organisms from Four Harbor Locations on GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 87Contaminant TransportGuamHeavy Metal, Organic Contaminant, Harbor, Guam
86C. Guard. M.A. Lander1999A Scale Relating Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed to Potential Damage for the Tropical Pacific Ocean Region: A user's ManualWERI UOGWERI TR 86MeteorologyGuamTropical Cyclone, Damage, Manual, Meteorology, GUAM
85 C. Guard, M.P. Hamnett, C.J. Neumann, M.A. Lander, H.G. Siegrist1999Typhoon Vulnerbility Study for GuamWERI UOGWERI TR 85MeteorologyGuamTyphoon, Meteorology, Guam
84 G.R.W. Denton, L.F. Heitz, H.R. Wood, H.G. Siegrist, L.P. Concepcion, R. Lennox1998Urban Runoff in Guam: Major Retention Sites, Elemental Composition and Environmental Significance WERI UOGWERI TR 84Water QualityGuamRunoff, Stormwater, GIS, Water Quality, Guam
83 J.W. Jenson, J.M.U. Jocson1998Hydrologic Data Collection on Guam: FY1998 ReportWERI UOGWERI TR 83HydrologyGuamHydrology, Data, Well, Guam
82 G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood1998Mobility and Persistence of Modern Day Pesticides in Soil Used to Construct the Fairways of the Guam International Country Club Golf CourseWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 82Contaminant TransportGuamPesticide, Soil, Golf Course, Contaminant, Guam
81 G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood, L.P. Concepcion, H.G. Siegrist1997Analysis of In-Place Contaminants in Marine Sediments from Four Harbor Locations on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 81Contaminant TransportGuamSediment, Harbor, Contaminant Transport, Guam
80 L. Heitz, s. Khosrowpanah, J. Nelson1997Sizing of Surface Water Runoff Detention PondsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 80Surface WaterGuamRunoff, Surface Water, Stormwater, Rainfall,
79 H.G. Siegrist Jr, G.R.W. Denton, H.R. Wood, L. Concepcion, R.R. Lewis1997Aqueous Chemistry of a Perennial Wetland in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 79Contaminant TransportGuamWetland, Aqueous Chemistry, Sediment, Porewater, Guam
78 P.G. Dumalaing , L.C. Guzman, J.M. Jocson, R.R. Lewis, D.C. Moran, J.F. Salas, H.G. Siegrist 1997Reconnaissance Geology of a Proposed Dam/Reservoir Site in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 78GeologyGuamGeology, Dam, Reservoir, Guam
77 H.G. Siegrist Jr, R.R. Lewis, J.M. Jocson1998Seismic Hazard Vulnerability on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 77SeismicGuamSeismic, Guam
76 H.G. Siegrist Jr, G.R.W. Denton, L.F. Heitz, E.A. Matson, A.F. Rinehart, B.D. Smith1996Wetlands Resources in the YGUM Watershed GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 76Water ResourceGuamWetland, Watershed, Ugum, Guam
WIB 1L.F Heitz, S.J. Winter1996Designing Your Rainwater Catchment and Storage SystemWERI UOGWIB 1Water SupplyGuamRainwater Catchment, Storage, Guam
75M.A. Lander1994Meteorological Factors Associated with Drought on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 75MeteorologyGuamDrought, Rainfall, Guam
74S.J. Winter1993Federated States of Micronesia Water Resources Studies BibliographyWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 74Water ResourceFSMWater Resource, FSM, Bibliography
73E.A. Matson1986Terrigenous Material in Coastal Zone Sediments of Guam and SaipanWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 73Contaminant TransportGuam, SaipanSediment, Contaminant, Guam, Saipan
72H.R. Wood1989The Occurrence of Certain Pesticides in Ground and Surface Waters Associated with Ordot Landfill in the Pago River Basin, Guam Mariana IslandsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 72Water QualityGuamPesticide, Groundwater, Surface Water, Landfill, Water Quality. Guam
71E.A. Matson1991Nitrification in Guam's Soils and SedimentsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 71Water QualityGuamSoil, Sediment, Nitrification, Aquifer, Drinking Water, Water Quality, Guam
70E.A. Matson1990Significance of Runoff and Terrestrial Erosion to the Nutrient Status of Esturaries on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 70Water QualityGuamRunoff, Erosion, Water Quality, Guam
69 D.N. Contractor, R. Srivastava1989Calibration of a Saltwater Intrusion Model for the Northern Guam Lens Using a MicrocomputerWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 69GroundwaterGuamSaltwater Intrusion, Modeling, Guam, Aquifer
68R.N. Clayshulte1986Marine Water Quality in Okat, Kosrae for Airport and Dock Facility Construction Project Part C Post-ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 68Water QualityOkat, KosraeAirport, Water Quality, Marine, Okat, Kosrae
67R.N. Clayshulte1986Marine Water Quality in Okat, Kosrae for Airport and Dock Facility Construction Project Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 67Water QualityOkat, KosraeAirport, Water Quality, Marine, Okat, Kosrae
66S. Khosrowpanah1987Improving the Water Distribution System at Kolonia, Pohnpei State Through Use of a Digital Water Distribution ModelWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 66Water SupplyKolonia, PohnpeiRunoff, Modeling, Water Supply, Kolonia, Pohnpei
65R.L. Hunter-Anderson1987Indigenous Fresh Water Management Technologies of Truk, Pohnpei and Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, and of Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia WERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 65Water SupplyGuam, Kosrae, Pohnpei, FSMFresh Water Management, Water Supply, Guam, Kosrae, Pohnpei, FSM
64 W.J. Zolan, L. Ellis-Neill1986Concentrations of Aluminum, Manganese, Iron and Calcium in Four Southern Guam RiversWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 64Water QualityGuamWater Quality, Metal, River, Guam
63R.L. Hunter-Anderson1986Indigenous Fresh Water Management Technology of the Yap Islands, Micronesia WERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 63Fresh WaterYap, FSMSeep, Spring, Stream, Well, Yap, FSM
62L.F. Heitz1986Development of a Computerized Distribution System Model of the Moen Island Water Distribution SystemWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 62Water SupplyMoen, TrukModeling, Water Supply, Moen, Truk
61 S.J. Winter, G.A. Heslinga, L.D. McCleary1985A Photovoltaic Seawater Pumping System for Giant Clam MaricultureWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 61Clam CultureMicronesiaSeawater, Pumping, Clam, Micronesia
60 S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary1985Solar-Powered Wells for Atoll Island Water Supplies -Part IWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 60Water SupplyAtoll, TrukWell, Pumping, Atoll, Truk
59 S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary1985A Ram Pump DemonstrationWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 59Water SupplyPohnpei Islands, FSMHydraulic Ram Pump, Water Supply, Pohnpei, FSM
58 R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan1985Environmental Mercury in Marine Water and Fish from Kasrae State, FSMWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 58Water QualityKosrae, FSMWater Quality, Mercury, Marine Water, Fish, Kosrae, FSM
57R.N. Clayshulte1985Historical Water Quality of Puag Production Water WellsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 57Water QualityPuagWater Quality, Well, Puag
56 J.F. Ayers, R.N. Clayshulte1984A Premininary Study of the Hydrogeology of Northern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 56HydrogeologyGuamGroundwater, Hydrogeology, Guam
55R.N. Clayshulte1984Limited Current and Bathymetric Surveys at the Marine Outfall in Lelu Harbor and Reconnaissance Surveys of Effluent Disposal Sites at Malem and Utwe, KosraeWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 55WastewaterKosrae, Utwe, MalemWastewater, Marine Water Circulation, Harbor, Kosrae, Utwe, Malem
54 S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary1984Some Improvements in the Design of the WERI WellWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 54GroundwaterTruk, FSMGroundwater, Well, Pump Test, Truk, FSM
53T.A. Dillaha, W.J. Zolan1984A Comparative Laboratory Study of Sewage Treatement by A Capillary Siphon Trench System Versus A Conventional Leaching Trench SystemWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 53WastewaterGuamWater Quality, Wastewater, Lab Experiment, Niimi Process
52J.F. Ayers, H.L. Vacher, R.N. Clayshulte, D. Strout, R. Stebnisky1984Hydrogeology of Deke Island Pingelap Atoll Eastern Caroline IslandsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 52HydrogeologyPingelap Atoll, Ponape StateWell, Monitoring, Tidal Gauge, Water Quality
51R.A. Stephenson1984A Comparision of Freshwater Use Customs on Ulithi Atoll with Those of Selected Other Micronesian AtollsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 51FreshwaterUlithi Atoll, MicronesiaFreshwater Catchment, Rainwater, Storage, Ulithi Atoll, Micronesia
50R.A. Stephenson, H. Kurashina1983A Comparison of Water Catchment and Storage Systems in Two Micronesian Atoll Communities: Laura and NamaWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 50FreshwaterLaura, Nama, Atoll, MicronesiaFreshwater Catchment, Rainwater, Storage, Laura, Nama, Atoll, Micronesia
49S.J. Winter, R.D. Watters1984Solar Pumping for Village Water Supply Systems on TrukWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 49Water SupplyTruk, FSMSolar Pumping, Water Supply, Truk
48J.F. Ayers, R.N. Claychulte1985Reconnaissance Level Investigation of Salt-Water Intrusion on Kuttu Island, Satawan Atoll, Truk StateWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 48Water QualityKuttu Island, Satawan Atoll, TrukGroundwater, Saltwater, Intrusion, Salinity, Truk
47R.N. Clayshulte, J.F. Ayers1983Diagenesis and Pore-Space Evolution Within Recent and Pleistocene Carbonate Units of Orote Peninsula, GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 47HydrogeologyGuamGroundwater, Limestone, Sediment, Guam
46W.J. Zolan1983Water Quality Monitoring Program Palau Airport Project Ngurusar Bay-Toagel Mid Channel Babelthaup and Koror Islands Palau District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 46Water QualityPalauWater Quality, Airport, Palau
45T.A. Dillaha, W.J. Zolan1983An Investigation of the Water Quality of Rooftop Rainwater Catchment Systems in MicronesiaWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 45Water QualityKosrae, Panape, Yap, Palau, Micronesia Water Quality, Rainwater, Kosrae, Panape, Yap, Palau, Micronesia, Microorganism
44J.F. Ayers, R.N. Clayshulte1985A Preliminary Investigation of Salt-Water Intrusion on Nukuoro Island, Nukuoro Atoll, Ponape StateWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 44Water QualityNukuoro Atoll, PonapeWater Quality, Saltwater, Intrusion, Nukuoro Atoll, Ponape
43R.N. Clayshulte1983Water Quality Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island, Truk Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part C Post-ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 43Water QualityTruk, FSMWater Quality, Airport, Truk, FSM
42A. Wake1983A Two Dimensional Depth-Integrated Finite Element Coastal Circulation ModelWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 42Coastal CirculationGuamModeling, Coastal Circulation, Guam
41J.F. Ayers, R.N. Claychulte1983Feasibility Study of Developing Valley-Fill Aquifers for Village Water Supplies in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 41Water SupplyGuamWater Supply, Groundwater, Well, Guam
40J.F. Ayers, R.N. Claychulte1983Hydrogeologic Investigation of Agana SwampWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 40HydrogeologyAgana, GuamGroundwater, Hydrogeology, Swamp, Agana, Guam
39S.J. Winter, L.D. McCleary, R.D. Watters1983The WERI Well on Truk: A Solar Photovoltaic Pumping ProjectWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 39GroundwaterTruk, FSMGroundwater, Photovoltaic Pumping, Truk, FSM
37T.A. Dillaha, W.J. Zolan1983The Effects of Increased Salinity Levels on the Reaction Rates of Biological Wastewater TreatmentWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 37WastewaterMicronesiaWastewater, Salinity, Water Quality, waste stabilization pond, Micronesia
36P.A. Cowen1982The Influence of Modern Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Systems on Water Quality in MicronesiaWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 36Water QualityPalau, PonapeWater Quality, Wastewater, Water SUPPLY, Palau, Ponape
35R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan1982Water Quality Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island, Truk Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 35Water QualityTruk, FSMWater Quality, Airport, Truk, FSM
34W.J. Zolan1982A Preliminary Study of Natural Aquifer Discharge on GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 34Water QualityGuamGroundwater, Seepage, Spring, Water Quality, Guam
33D.N. Contractor, S.j. Winter1981Assessment of Low Head, Micro Hydroelectric Equipment for Use on Small Tropical IslandsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 33EnergyPonapeHydroelectric equipment, waterfall, Energy, Ponape
32W.J. Zolan. R.N. Clayshulte, S.J. Winter1982Air Particulate and Noise Level Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island, Truk, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part B ConstructionWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 32Air QualityTruk, FSMAir Quality, Airport, Particulate, Noise, Truk, FSM
31J.F. Ayers1981Evaluation of the Groundwater Resources of the Agag Basin SaipanWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 31GroundwaterSaipan, CNMIGroundwater, Basin, Hydrogeology, Saipan, CNMI
30A. Wake1982Development of a Three-Dimensional Steady-State Air Quality Simulation Model over Complex Terrain: Variation Optimization of Wind FieldWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 30Air QualityGuamModeling, Air Quality, Guam
29W.J. Zolan1981Diatom Assemblages as Indicators of Water Quality in Freshwater Habitats of GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 29Water QualityGuamWater Quality, Freshwater, Guam
28S.J. Winter, R.A. Stephenson1981The Development of a Aillage Water Supply System in TrukWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 28Water SupplyTruk, FSMWater Supply, Rainwater, Well, Truk, FSM
27D.N. Contractor, J.F. Ayers, S.J. Winter1981Numerical Modeling of Salt-Water Intrusion in the Northern Guam LensWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 27GroundwaterGuamModeling, Saltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Guam
26D.N. Contractor1981A Two-Dimensional, Finite Element Model of Salt Water Intrusion in Groundwater SystemsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 26GroundwaterGuamModeling, Saltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Guam
25W.J. Zolan1981Metal Concentrations in Guam Urban RunoffWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 25Water QualityGuamHeavy Metal, Runoff, Guam
24C.P. Neubauer1981The Effects of Land-Clearing on a Small Watershed in Southern GuamWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 24Water QualityGuamWater Quality, River, Guam
23S.G. Nelson, R.N. Tsutsui1981Ammonium Uptake by Micronesian Species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta)WERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 23MicroorganismMicronesiaMicroorganism, Ammonium, Micronesia
22T.L. Smalley, W.J. Zolan1981Water Quaility Assessment for Agana SpringsWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 22Water QualityAgana, GuamAgana Spring, Water Quality, Guam
21J.F. Ayers1981Estimate of Recharge to the Freshwater Lens of Northern GuamWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 21GroundwaterGuamRainfall, Groundwater Recharge, Chloride, Guam
20D.N. Contractor1981A One-Dimensional, Finite Element Salt Water Intrusion ModelWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 20GroundwaterGuamSaltwater Intrusion, Groundwater, Modeling, Guam
18P.A. Cowan, R.N. Clayshulte1980Laboratory Application of Scondary Sewage Effluent to Argillaceous LimestoneWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 18Water QualityGuamSewage, River, Limestone, Nutrient, Guam
17R.A. Stephenson, D. Moore1980Freshwater Use Customs On Rota : An Exploratory StudyWERI UOG (WERI)WERI TR 17FreshwaterRota, Mariana IslandsFreshwater, Rota
16P.A. Cowan1980Future Water Quality Monitroing Priorities for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands WERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 16Water QualityPacific IslandsMarine Water Quality, Pacific Islands
15C.J. Huxel1980The Ghura-Dededo Deep Monitoring Well Planning and DesignWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 15GroundwaterGhura, Dededo, GuamDeep Monitoring Well, NGLA, Guam
14P.A. Cowan, R.N. Clayshulte1980Marine Baseline Water Quality of the Trust Territory of the Pacific IslandsWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 14Water QualityMarshalls,Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape, Kosrae, Pacific IslandsWater Quality, Marine, Marshalls, Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape, Kosrae, Pacific Islands
13R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan1980Well Water Quality on Moen Island, TrukWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 13Water QualityTruk, FSMWater Quality, Well, groundwater, Truk, FSM
12C.J. Romeo, W.J. Zolan, S.J. Winter1981Water Quality Monitoring Program Palau Airport Project Ngurusar Bay Babelthuap Island Palau District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part A Pre-constructionWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 12Water QualityPalauWater Quality, Heavy metal, Palau
11D.W. Contractor1980A review of Techniques for Studying Freshwater/Seawater Relationships in Coastal and Island Groundwater Flow SystemsWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 11GroundwaterGuamSaltwater Intrusion, Freshwater, Guam
10S.G. Nelson, B.D. Smith, B.R. Best1980Nitrogen Uptake by Tropical Freshwater MacrophytesWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 10GroundwaterGuamNitrogen, Freshwater Macrophytes
9D.A. Grosenbaugh1979Role of the Blue-Green Alga Mostoc Muscorum as a Possible Nitrate Source to the Groundwaters of GuamWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 9Water QualityGuamAlga, Groundwater, Water Quality, Nitrogen, Guam
8R.A. Stephenson1979Freshwater Use Customs on Guam: An Exploratory StudyWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 8FreshwaterGuamFreshwater, Guam
7 R.N. Clayshulte, W.J. Zolan, S.J. Winter1979Air, Noise, and Water Quality Monitoring Program Airport Construction Site Moen Island Truk District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Part A Pre-Construction WERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 7MonitoringMoen, TrukAirport, Air, Noise, Water Quality, Moen, Truk
6 W.J. Zolan, R.N. Clayshulte, S.J. Winter1978Urban Runoff Pollutant Adsorption and Filtering by Selected Northern Guam Soils and LimestoneWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 6Water QualityGuamRunoff, Limestone, Pollutant, Guam
5W.J. Zolan, R.N. Clayshutle, S.J. Winter, J.A. Marsh Jr., R.H.H. Young1978Urban Runoff Quality in Northern GuamWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 5Water QualityGuamWater Quality, Urban runoff, Pollutant, Guam
4S.J. Winter, C.K. Liu1978The Analysis of Small Water Distribution SystemsWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 4Water SupplyGuamWater Supply, Guam
3R.T. Tsuda, D.A. Grosenbaugh1977Agat Sewage Treatment Plant: Impact of Secondary Treated Effluent on Guam Coastal WatersWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 3WastewaterAgat, GuamSewage, Water Quality, Wastewater Treatment, Agat, Guam
2J.F. Mink, L.S. Lau1977Groundwater Analysis by Tritium Technique: A Preliminary EvaluationWERI UOG (WRRC)WERI TR 2GroundwaterGuamGroundwater, Tritium, Guam
1J.F. Mink1976Groundwater Resources of Guam: Occurrence and DevelopmentWERI UOGWERI TR 1GroundwaterGuam NGLAGroundwater resources, Development, Guam