GHS Information Management Team member | Digital Assistant | Web Developer B.S. Computer Science, University of Guam WERI, University of Guam
Mr. Zapata was a member of the GHS Information Management team as a digital assistant. In his role, he worked with the team to organize and manage hydrologic data online. He was also involved in the development of WERI’s MAppFx projects, a series of web apps that allows users to interact with a map and visualize historical data through graphs of the survey points.
Kaylyn K. Bautista
GHS Product Development & Comprehensive Water Monitoring Program | Monitoring System Expansion Rehabilitation Program (MSERP) M.S. Environmental Science (received the Presidential Thesis Award), University of Guam WERI, University of Guam
Ms. Bautista worked with the WERI Director to organize information for reports and presentations. She assisted in observation well field data collection and for the preparation of the seven new deep observation wells to be installed in military property, MSERP. She was also involved in the map analysis of the Guam coastal discharge project for NASA.
Glen Aguilar
GHS Web Developer B.S. Chemistry, University of Guam WERI, University of Guam
Matt Ziobro
GHS Web Developer WERI, University of Guam
Barry (Yong Sang) Kim, PhD
Co-Operations Manager PhD, Civil Engineering, Purdue University Assistant Professor of Water Engineering, WERI, University of Guam
Dr. Kim was the GHS Program’s Research Affiliate at WERI. In transition to WERI Faculty, Dr. Kim continues to advise in the GHS operations. His on-going research projects are the lessons learned in the well rehabilitation, Guam’s Water-Use Data Research (WUDR) Program (USGS), and investigation of PFAS sources.