Below are lists of gauges and basic information. Click on the source for more information or to see the data displayed on a chart.
Rainfall Data
USGS Rain Gauge Map
Northern Guam Rain Gauge Data
Owner | Operator | Name | ID | Locale | Lon | Lat | ALMSL (ft) | Status* | Source 1 | Source 2 |
USGS | USGS NWIS WI | ||||||||
USGS | USGS NWIS WI | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
NCDC | |||||||||
NCDC | |||||||||
NCDC | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc |
For Status:
* A = Active
* I = Inactive
Pan Evaporation Data
Owner|Operator | Gauge | Gauge ID | Locale | Lon | Lat | Source 1 | Source 2 |
WSMO, Weather Service Meteorological Observatory | WSMO, Rt 3, Astumbo, NCS | ||||||
NWS, NOAA | NAS | NWS, Tiyan |
Spatial Data
Theissen polygons and points for rain and pan evaporation gauges listed in the table above:
GIS Shape Files · Google Maps · Google Earth · ArcGIS Online
Theissen Polygons
Links to these files are under construction.
Links to these files are under construction.
Sinkholes (SH)
- SH Basins
- Basin Low Points
- SH Basin Depths
- SH Basin Contours
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Below are lists of gauges and basic information. Click on the source for more information or to see the data displayed on a chart.
Rainfall Data
USGS Rain Gauge Map
Southern Guam Rain Gauge Data
Owner | Operator | Name | ID | Locale | Lon | Lat | ALMSL (ft) | Status* | Source 1 | Source 2 |
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
For Status:
* A = Active
* I = Inactive
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Northern Guam Data
Below are lists of gauges and basic information. Click on the source for more information or to see the data displayed on a chart.
Rainfall Data: USGS Rain Gage Map
Owner | Operator | Name | ID | Locale | Lon | Lat | ALMSL (ft) | Status* | Source 1 | Source 2 |
USGS | USGS NWIS WI | ||||||||
USGS | USGS NWIS WI | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
NCDC | |||||||||
NCDC | |||||||||
NCDC | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc | |||||||||
NCDC from proprietary disc |
* I = Inactive
Pan Evaporation Data:
Owner|Operator | Gauge | Gauge ID | Locale | Lon | Lat | Source 1 | Source 2 |
WSMO, Weather Service Meteorological Observatory | WSMO, Rt 3, Astumbo, NCS | ||||||
NWS, NOAA | NAS | NWS, Tiyan |
Spatial Data:
Theissen polygons and points for rain and pan evaporation gauges listed in the table above:
GIS Shape Files · Google Maps · Google Earth · ArcGIS Online
Theissen Polygons: Links to files are under construction.
Contours: Links to files are under construction.
Sinkholes (SH): SH Basins · Basin Low Points · SH Basin Depths · SH Basin Contours
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Southern Guam Data
Below are lists of gauges and basic information. Click on the source for more information or to see the data displayed on a chart.
Rainfall Data: USGS Rain Gage Map
Owner | Operator | Name | ID | Locale | Lon | Lat | ALMSL (ft) | Status* | Source 1 | Source 2 |
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | USGS | ||||||||
USGS | |||||||||
* I = Inactive
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This section is under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.