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Dynamic Response of the Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in Recharge Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon Basin, Guam​

February 22, 2023

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Bekah Dougher, Nathan C. Habana, John W. Jenson, Mark A. Lander, and Kevin Ho September 2019 Technical Report 168 Abstract The limestone aquifer of northern Guam supplies more than 75% of the island’s drinking water. As Guam prepares for more economic growth, demand for water is a major concern. The quantity of groundwater available for […]

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Surface Hydrology of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer

February 20, 2023

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Nathan C. Habana, Leroy F. Heitz, Dannika Kate U. Valerio March  21, 2022 Technical Report 175Hydrologic Web MApps Table of Contents Abstract & IntroductionBackgroundMethodsResultsWeb MAppsConclusion Acknowledgements Guam Hydrologic Survey (GHS) Program, DOI USGS WERI-RCUOG, Kumisión I Na’an Lugåt Guahan GHS interagency partners: GWA, GBSP, GDLM, and Maria Kottermair Abstract The mapping of the surface hydrology […]

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